6.2 HTTP API Changes


  • The section includes the 2N® Access Commander API upgrade changes. The changes below may make your API communication, whatever it is, non-functional.

Version 1.17 to 2.0

What's New

  • GET /devices/{deviceId}/status null
  • GET /system/license/features null
  • PUT /system/license/activatebasic null
  • PUT /users/attendance/export.pdf null
  • PUT /lockdown/activate null
  • PUT /lockdown/deactivate null

What's Deprecated

What's Changed

GET /companies null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert Devices
        Delete MonitoredUsers
        Delete MonitoredUsersLeft

POST /companies null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert Devices
        Delete MonitoredUsers
        Delete MonitoredUsersLeft

GET /companies/{companyId} null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert Devices
        Delete MonitoredUsers
        Delete MonitoredUsersLeft

DELETE /companies/{companyId} null


        Insert Company.Lockdown
        Insert Company.Devices
        Delete Company.MonitoredUsers
        Delete Company.MonitoredUsersLeft

PUT /companies/{companyId} null


        Insert Company.Lockdown
        Insert Company.Devices
        Delete Company.MonitoredUsers
        Delete Company.MonitoredUsersLeft
    Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert Devices
        Delete MonitoredUsers
        Delete MonitoredUsersLeft

DELETE /companies/{companyId}/zones null

Return Type

        Insert HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DeviceCount

PUT /companies/{companyId}/zones null

Return Type

        Insert HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DeviceCount

GET /devices null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

POST /devices null


        Insert Devices.Lockdown
        Insert Devices.DoorSwitch
    Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

PATCH /devices null


        Insert Devices.Lockdown
        Insert Devices.DoorSwitch

GET /devices/scannetwork null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

GET /devices/{deviceId} null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

DELETE /devices/{deviceId} null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch
    Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

PUT /devices/{deviceId} null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch

DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/cleardirectory null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch

DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/factoryreset null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch

PUT /devices/{deviceId}/replace null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch
    Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

PUT /devices/{deviceId}/password null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch
    Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

PUT /devices/{deviceId}/password/generate null


        Insert Device.Lockdown
        Insert Device.DoorSwitch
    Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

PUT /deviceUpdate/firmware/{firmwareId}/candidate/devicetest null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

GET /groups null

Return Type

        Insert CompanyName
        Insert UserCount

POST /groups null

Return Type

        Insert CompanyName
        Insert UserCount

GET /groups/{groupId} null

Return Type

        Insert CompanyName
        Insert UserCount

DELETE /groups/{groupId} null


        Insert Group.CompanyName
        Insert Group.UserCount

PUT /groups/{groupId} null


        Insert Group.CompanyName
        Insert Group.UserCount
    Return Type

        Insert CompanyName
        Insert UserCount

PUT /groups/{groupId}/users null

Return Type

        Insert GroupNames

GET /system/license null

Return Type

        Insert LicenseTier
        Insert AvailableUsers
        Insert AvailableDevices
        Insert AvailableManagers
        Insert MaxManagers
        Insert Uploaded
        Insert HasAttendance
        Delete ExploitedUsers
        Delete ExploitedDevices
        Delete LicenseUpdated
        Delete LDAPEnabled
        Delete DataSyncEnabled

PUT /system/license/import.xml null

Return Type

        Insert LicenseTier
        Insert AvailableUsers
        Insert AvailableDevices
        Insert AvailableManagers
        Insert MaxManagers
        Insert Uploaded
        Insert HasAttendance
        Delete ExploitedUsers
        Delete ExploitedDevices
        Delete LicenseUpdated
        Delete LDAPEnabled
        Delete DataSyncEnabled

GET /users null

Return Type

        Insert GroupNames

POST /users null

Return Type

        Insert GroupNames

GET /users/{userId} null

Return Type

        Insert GroupNames

PUT /users/{userId} null

Return Type

        Insert GroupNames

DELETE /users/{userId}/groups null

Return Type

        Insert CompanyName
        Insert UserCount

PUT /users/{userId}/groups null

Return Type

        Insert CompanyName
        Insert UserCount

PUT /users/{userId}/password null

Return Type

        Insert GroupNames

GET /zones null

Return Type

        Insert HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DeviceCount

POST /zones null

Return Type

        Insert HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DeviceCount

GET /zones/{zoneId} null

Return Type

        Insert HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DeviceCount

DELETE /zones/{zoneId} null


        Insert Zone.HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Zone.Lockdown
        Insert Zone.DeviceCount

PUT /zones/{zoneId} null


        Insert Zone.HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Zone.Lockdown
        Insert Zone.DeviceCount
    Return Type

        Insert HasLicensePlateAuthentication
        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DeviceCount

PUT /zones/{zoneId}/devices null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch

DELETE /zones/{zoneId}/devices/{deviceId} null

Return Type

        Insert Lockdown
        Insert DoorSwitch