3.2 E-mail

The SMTP helps 2N® Access Commander send  e-mail messages. The module also provides notifications and sends the login password to the user. 

  • SMTP enable/disable – enable/disable the e-mail sending service.

Click any parameter to change an SMTP setting. You can also send a test e-mail to verify the SMTP server configuration.

  • Server address – set the SMTP server address to which e-mails shall be sent.
  • Port – specify the SMTP server port. Modify the value only if the SMTP server setting is substandard. The typical SMTP port value is 25.
  • User name – enter a valid user name for login if the SMTP server requires authentication, or leave the field empty if not.
  • Password – enter the password for the 2N® Access Commander login to the SMTP server.
  • Default sender address – set the sender address for all outgoing e-mails from 2N® Access Commander.
  • SSL – enable/disable e-mail encryption.
  • Validate SSL server certificateverify the SSL server certificate. 
  • Legacy mode (default Off)connect to older SMTP servers that do not support the new functions.


  • In case the set SMTP server does not have a valid certificate, no connection is established. The user is notified thereof when the test e-mail is sent.

  • Base address – if enabled, the e-mails contain a direct password resetting link.

    Links in e-mails: Off