4.7 Lift Functions

Basic description

For special versions of EasyGate for Lift with Firmware 18.7.x only! These functions allows remote access to the EasyGate eventually to connected lift communicator Lift1 using SMS service.

Information SMS

Forced information SMS

Demanded by SMS in form: EG INF 12345 (instead of ‘12345’ actual password)

The answer of the Gateway:

EG.INF OK demand accepted

SN:00-0000-0000 serial number

FW:18.7.16 FW version

LIC:N (or Y) license for function 3 Lift1 on line

IMEI:358108071238512 IMEI

IMSI:230015011042680;230025100127093 IMSI (eventually 2. SIM)

LAI:230;01;H;3G MCC, MNC, roaming (H/R), technol.

RSSI:-77dBm Strength of signal

PWR:On Line power

BATT:Ok Battery status

EXP:730 Time to battery change (days)

Dual SIM gateway will send both IMSI, but information about network and signal strength is for active connection only.

Periodical SMS

Sending is connected by parameter ‘Checking SMS’. When this parameter is set to 0, no SMS except forced SMS are sent, another setting specifies the period of information SMS sending in days and allows SMS sending in following situations:

Restart of the gateway: GW start

Changing of used SIM SIM switch

Change in power status PWR change

Periodical SMS Periodical

Line of the SMS with connection information marked as Active shows actual information, line without this mark shows last known information (important for dual SIM gateway). When the parameter ‘ID text’ is not filled in, the parameter ‘Id number’ is used, when even this parameter is empty, the serial number will be used.

SMS format is:

ID:Filled (text) or SN:xx-xxxx-xxxx Identification

Msg:GW start or another code Code of the event

SIM1:23001;Home;3G;-83dBm;Active MCC+MNC, roaming, technology, signal

SIM2:2302;Home;3G;-77dBm Dual SIM version only

Power:On Line power

Battery:Ok Battery status

Expire in:730 Time to battery change (days)

To use this function, following parameters must be set:

Checking SMS: 967

Id text: 968

Battery status SMS: 962

Power failure SMS: 963

Telephone number for service SMS: 714

SMS EasyGate programming

Special versions of EasyGate have the possibility to program parameters using SMS. When is this service allowed, the SMS receiving thru serial port is blocked. This option is available with special firmware only, information about types supporting this option are supplied by the producer.

When you program any parameter which consists of string, the text must be in brackets () and no brackets are allowed inside of the text.

Following operations can be performed using SMS. For every operation separated SMS is needed.

1. Configuration

Parameter value change (see the table of parameters below). As the separation character is used space. When the text is set, it must be closed in brackets. More parameters can be set in one SMS, the maximal length of SMS is 160 characters for 7-bit SMS, 140 characters for 8-bit SMS. When the setting out of permitted limits is demanded or other error occur, none of parameters is changed.

SMS syntax: EG CNF password parameter_number=new_value

Example: EG CNF 12345 101=10 706=(internet.t-mobile.cz)

EG CNF – declaration that this is configuration SMS for EG

12345 – password for programming, here is default value

101=10 – time to dial is set to 10 s

706=(internet.t-mobile.cz) – APN setting to T-Mobile CZ

2. Default setting

Restore default setting of EasyGate. After this operation automatic restart follows.

SMS Syntax: EG DEF password

Example: EG DEF 12345

12345 – password for programming, here is default value

3. Restart

SMS Syntax: EG RST password

Example: EG RST 12345

12345 – password for programming, here is default value

The answer to the SMS:

EG.CNF OK Correct setting

EG.DEF OK Default values restored

EG.RST OK Correct restart

EG.ERR Invalid Message Keyword EG missing

EG.ERR Unknown Command Different command than CNF, DEF, RST

EG.ERR Invalid Password Invalid Password

EG.ERR Invalid Parameters Invalid parameter in CNF command

EG.ERR Invalid Syntax Error in spaces or other syntax

Programming Lift1 communicator using EasyGate

Special version of EasyGate allows to program connected communicator Lift1 using SMS. EasyGate receives SMS with demand to program Lift1. EasyGate than establishes connection to L1 by phone line and performs programming using CPC protocol.

Supports 4 types of SMS commands

1. Config

SMS syntax: L1 CNF keyword parameter1=value parameter2=value Following example programs call numbers -. parameters 011 and 012: L1 CNF 12345 011=00420222222222 012=00420111111111

2. Default config setting

SMS syntax: L1 DEF keyword

3. Selection of profile n (when you select profile 1, the same as previous command) SMS syntax: L1 SET keyword n

4. Restart

SMS syntax: L1 RST keyword

It is not possible to combine more commands in one SMS.

We support only standard SMS, it means 7-bit SMS max 160 characters, 8-bit SMS max 140 characters.






L1 ERR Invalid Message In front of SMS wasn’t L1

L1 ERR Unknown Command Different command tham CNF, DEF, SET or RST

L1 ERR Invalid Password Wrong password

L1 ERR Invalid Parameters Wrong parameters of commands CNF a SET.

L1 ERR Invalid Syntax Error in spaces, equal signs, wrong characters etc.

L1 ERR Does not Respond Lift1 doesn’t hook off either after 60s of ringing Lift1 hooks off, doesn’t accept command to CPC programming Lift1 hooks on during programming Lift1 dosnt respond to communication commands (WRITE_START, WRITE_CONFIRM, CRC_REQUEST)

Error signalization

Special version of EasyGate is able to signalize following errors:

- Battery error signalization (interrupted, short circuit, time to replace)

- Network error signalization (lost signal)

Signalization methods:

- Lift1/P100* - only battery error signalization (without connection no way to send information)

- FXS line voltage break - interrupted supplying on FXS port

- Relay signalization - connected relay contact signalize error

*Sending information to call center by protocol P100, only when communicator Lift1 is used together with EasyGate , this communicator must be set to use P100 signaling. Direct communication P100 from EasyGate is not implemented, although the parameters can be set in the programming tool.

Vizual signalization

Special version of EasyGate signalize by LED following information:

- Technology of connection - LTE version only - you can easily recognize, if the module is connected by LTE, WCDMA or GSM technology by LED’s, which show signal strength. LED’s shines continuously when in GSM network, it has one short break every 2 seconds in WCDMA and two short brakes every 2 seconds in LTE network.

- Battery failure is signalized by rotation of the signal strength indicator.