SSL - User certificate - How to add CA signed user certificate to 2N® Access Commander web
version 2.3 +
You can install CA signed SSL certificate to 2N Access Commander web page, so anyone accessing its website will not receive security warning in web browser.
Access Commander needs to be accessible via name address instead of and IP address.
To do so, certain aspects needs to be met.
- You need domain name for web page of Access Commander so instead of accessing it via IP address you can use name address
- You need to generate certificate for domain name of Access Commander and you need some Certification Authority to sign it, making it trusted.
How to install certificates
Once you receive signed certificate from CA, you need to do following steps
- copy certificates for your domain to linux of Access Commander virtual machine, for example to folder /etc/apache2/ssl/
You should have following 2 files: private.key and signedoriginal.crt modify file /etc/apache2/ssl/certificate.conf to match new certificates
- change following link of certificate files to location of your files, for example:
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/private.key
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/signedoriginal.crt
Please, note that the key or certification file can have different formats (.pem,...) that can also be used.
Once you save your changes, please run following command to restart apache2 server:
systemctl restart apache2
So when you now access the web interface of your Access Commander, you will get information that communication is secured:
version up to 2.3
You can install CA signed SSL certificate to 2N Access Commander web page, so anyone accessing its website will not receive security warning in web browser.
Access Commander needs to be accessible via name address instead of and IP address.
To do so, certain aspects needs to be met.
- You need domain name for web page of Access Commander so instead of accessing it via IP address you can use name address
- You need to generate certificate for domain name of Access Commander and you need some Certification Authority to sign it, making it trusted.
How to install certificates
Once you receive signed certificate from CA, you need to do following steps
- copy certificates for your domain to linux of Access Commander virtual machine, for example to folder /etc/apache2/ssl/
You should have following 3 files: original.crt, private.key and signedoriginal.crt modify file /etc/apache2/sites-available/2nAC.conf to match new certificates
- change following link of certificate files to location of your files, for example:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/original.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/private.key
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/signedoriginal.crt
Once you save your changes, please run following command to restart apache2 server:
service apache2 restart
So when you now access the web interface of your Access Commander, you will get information that communication is secured: