IP address - How to get IP address of lift communicator 2N® Lift8

How to get IP address

If 2N® Lift8 is connected to a network with DHCP server, then IP address will be assigned automatically. IP address can be find out by the service tool or via voice menu. Option with voice menu works only if the device is already configured and you know the number, where you can call to get to the voice menu. Also it is possible to use 2N® Lift8 Audio Unit - Machine Room to enter the voice menu.
 1) Voice menu: after establishing connection with the central unit press 9 (servis menu) and then press 3. Then all the service data including IP address will be read.
 2) 2N® Lift8 Tool: after interconnection with the central unit via USB cabel and establishing connection with the device, you can see the status of the device and its IP address on the right side of the service tool.