MY2N - How to call via Proxy

Devices connected true the 2N® LiftGate can be also added to the MY2N and make calls: 

How to add a 3rd party SIP device/application

Or examples:

1) How to register a 2N® LiftIP to MY2N

  1. We will add 2N® LiftIP within the MY2N-account as a 3rd party device - more here: How to add a 3rd party SIP device/application.
  2. In the detail of the My2N device, you will then have SIP registration data for entering into the 2N® IP LiftIP Service Tool - see the red box in the figure below.
  3. In the 2N® LiftIP Service Tool interface, go to the VoIP setting section and fill in it directly (see the figure below) in the category

    Register Settings: SIP registrar -possible domain name of the proxy-server (in our case
                                  User - the number is given by the exchange (in our case 7635135304)
                                  Password - (in our case Mtf9WzEa)
                                 SIP registar port + Outgoing proxy port is 5060

2) How to register a 2N® IP Handset to MY2N

  1. We add 2N® IP Handset within the MY2N account as a 3rd-party device - more here: How to add a 3rd party SIP device/application.
  2. In the detail of the My2N device, you will then have SIP registration data for entering into the web interface of the 2N® IP Handset device - see the red box in the picture below.
  3. In the web interface of the 2N® IP Handset device go to the Line section and you will immediately get to the SIP tab, where you fill in (see the picture below) in the category

    Register Settings: Username - number given by the PBX (in our case 2524346736)
                                  Realm - possible domain name of the proxy-server (in our case;
    SIP Server 1: Server Address - proxy server address (in our case again
                           We leave the server Port and Transport Protocol default 5060 and UDP (unless the control panel requires otherwise)
    further: Proxy Server Address - here again
                Proxy Server Port - standardly we leave the default again
                Proxy User - again the number given by the PBX (here 2524346736)
                Proxy Password - given by the PBX (in our case gSFiJh2q)

  4. At the top right check the Activate box (see the image above) and click Apply (see the red oval in the image above) to save the settings.

  5. Line Staus will then show us whether the device is successfully registered - see the green box in the picture above (Registered).

3) How to add 2N® IP Verso to MY2N

  1. Open the MY2N account / Devices and click on + ADD Device and select 2N Device
  2. Fill in the Serial number and Security code of the device (both of these values can be found in the intercom with the section: System / Updates / MY2N (see figure point 5)
  3. Then it will be displayed if we want to control the device Automatic or Manual
  4. Success! Device is added
  5. Serial number, Security Code