Peer to peer calling between Lift 8 and D7A IP Phone

Connect your D7A IP Phone to your LAN - in case you are using a DHCP in your local network, check the D7A IP address
Go to se􀆫ng icon using by using swipe control as you can see below – step 1

Go to Network – step 2

Here you can see what ip D7A’s IP address obtained from DHCP.

Now you can connect to D7A via web browser.

Default login – admin / 2n

In case you are not using DHCP in your LAN please follow next steps.

Tap Setting icon – step 1

Go to Advanced Settings – step 2

Default password: 2n

Go to Network in Advanced Settings section – step 3

Go to WAN port settings – step 4

Choose IPv4 settings – step 5

Change Type from DHCP to Static Type – step 6

Fill in IP address, mask, and gateway – step 7

Here is an example – step 8

And apply changes by button – step 9

Lift 8 Service tool section:
No DHCP running

Connect your Lift 8 Central Unit (CU) to your laptop via USB, and network switch for VoIP card as
is described in manual section 2.1, 2.10
Also connect a car (cabin) unit with Lift 8 CU as is described in manual section 2.3 or 2.6

Download Software 2n Lif 8 Service Tool (latest version):
Install and run 2n Lift8 Service Tool – described in manual section 5.1
Now you can connect to device – default password: 2n
Follow next steps 1, 2 as on picture below

Now you can see, there is no IP address, so expand Network Settings group – step 3

Fill in Network values. Must be in the same subnet as is your D7A IP Phone! Disable DHCP Step – 4

and save to device – step - 5

Now you can check, that Network values are set
Expand Allarm call group – step – 6

Fill in IP address of D7A IP Phone – don't be afraid of the exclamation mark and fill in the whole IP
address, the exclamation mark will disappear, when the whole IP address will be filled in.
Step – 7, 8 save to device

After saving, you can call by using Alarm button of connected car (cabin) unit.