VPN connection on LiftGate

2N® LiftGate is able to connect to OpenVPN compatible VPN server. This connection is site-to-site, allowing devices connected to LAN of 2N® LiftGate to access the networks behind VPN server as well.

Important info

In order to correctly setup a connection to VPN, please refer to the VPN’s administrators for connection details. They need to give you correct information in order for you to be able to connect to theirs VPN infrastructure. This guide’s purpose is explaining the VPN connection parameter available in 2N® LiftGate.

VPN Configuration

In 2N® LiftGate’s web interface, go to Configuration -> VPN:

Basic VPN configuration parameters

Enable OpenVPN – enables/disables currently set VPN connection

Server port – port used by VPN server for connection

Protocol – protocol used by VPN server

Device – device type compatible with VPN server

Cipher – data encoding used by VPN server

Compression – compression used by VPN server

Authentication – auth. types required by VPN server

Username – login username defined at the VPN server

Password – login password defined at the VPN server

Algorithm – encryption algorithm used by certificate

Certificate password – password protecting the certificate

Certificate and key files upload

If certificates are needed for connection, you can upload them here:

Static routes to networks available in VPN

In case that VPN server does not send default or specific network route, you can fill in up to two network addresses manually.

Those are the networks behind the VPN server and you should get this information from VPN administrator.


For diagnostics of issues with VPN connection (and other issues), use the Log in Maintenance: