FAQ_My2N_private My2N app Page: *!How to fix push notifications for Android OS Page: Bluetooth - Dotek v aplikaci - nastavení s 2N My2n App Page: Bluetooth - Kartový režim - nastavení s 2N My2n App Page: Bluetooth - Režim detekce pohybu - nastavení s 2N My2n App Page: Bluetooth - Stisk na zařízení - nastavení s 2N My2n App Page: External camera - how to enable external camera Page: How to provide logs from the application Page: How to seamlessly switch from 2N® Mobile Video to the My2N app Page: How to transfer data from Mobile Key App to new My2n App Page: iOS - How to make a custom ringtone for Mobile Video application Page: iOS - no video preview (Fullscreen / Banner mode) Page: My2N app + 3rd party apps Page: My2N app - Difference between logins Page: Your account does not contain any assigned devices