2N® SmartCom/2N® SmartCom PRO - Basic configuration

  1. In the very first step you should read the manual which you can find on 2N Telecommunication website http://www.2n.cz/en/products/m2m/smartcom/downloads/
  2. You can also find there: a leaflet, a presentation, software, firmware. In the section software please find and install 2N®SmartCOM (further just SmC) configuration program.
  3. Very important is to use the cable which is attached in the box (version 410100W a 410101W). RS232 9 female/RS232 9 female has to be crossed!!!

    Connector 1    Connector 2    Function
    2                        3                        Rx      ← Tx
    3                        2                        Tx      → Rx
    4                        6                        DTR   DSR
    5                        5                        Signal ground
    6                        4                        DSR   DTR
    7                        8                        RTS   CTS
    8                        7                        CTS   RTS

  4. When you connect SmC to your PC, you can then find out which COM port does your SmC use.
  5. Run 2N SmC configuration program. In communication settings you should choose the appropriate COM port, where is your SmC placed.
    Then set following features:
    Speed[bd/s]     115200
    Data bits           8
    Stop bits           1
    Parity                 none
    Flow control     none

    Serial port password is not set by default!!! This password is useful to protect your Smc against access and configuration by not allowed persons. If you want to use it follow FAQ "How to set password against unauthorized configuration 2N® SmartCom".
    Confirm "OK".
  6. Load configuration - It will read basic information about SmC and SIM card which is inserted in. (Local IP address, Signal level, Operator, Serial number, Firmware version, SIM number, GSM module specification).
    Continue configuration:

Mode:                         TCP client (with 2N SmartCom server)/Standalone (without 2N® SmartCom server).
GPRS APN:                Set APN (access point network) assigned by an operator.
Server IP address:     Set IP address SmC server, where you want to register SmC.
Server port:                Set listening port of SmC server.
PIN:                             Set PIN SIM card.
Password:                  To register to SmC server.

7.  Save new configuration by the button "Save and restart".