How to configure Wireless M-Bus port

In order to configure WM-Bus port just run Putty or Hyper terminal software, connect to SmartCom and enter the listed commands.

1)      First of all check the configuration of 2N SmartCom:


Make sure that you have configured correct mode (it must be the same like in WM-Bus equipment)

The correct mode can be set by


where “11” is mode type. SmartCom supports the following modes:

  • 1 - T1
  • 3- S1
  • 8- C1
  • 11- T1+C
  • 17 - N1

2)      Discover required equipment


Wait a little unless SmartCom discovers available WM-Bus equipment 

3)    Add discovered equipment to SmartCom

                                  at^scwmbus="dev_add", "VIP",81424136,0,01,07

4)   Some WM-Bus equipment send encrypted messages. These messages must be decrypted by SmartCom to provide the readable data. In this case enable decrypting  by parameter "1" in the following command (0 disables decryption mode)


Each vendor uses unique decryption key, this key must be stored in SmartCom  for messages decrypting:


where „1“ is the number of added equipment,

 A5B95C144134DE257AF2ED4F384C7EB7 is unique decryption code (provided by vendor).

The number of added  meter device can be found by entereing the at^scwmbus?.

5)   If you need to delete some meter device from the table just enter


where “1” is position number of the meter in the table

Or delete the whole table
