How to detect M-Bus meters by AT command

FAQ describes how to set 2N® SmartCOM PRO for AMS function by AT command. 2N® SmartCOM PRO automatically detect M-Bus meters. Then reads data from M-Bus meters and store data in internal memory. 2N® SmartCom server with web interface readout  2N® SmartCOM PRO units and parse M-Bus messages to CSV files.

Tested with firmware (SCE_1-12-0-12-24). Ask 2N for this firmware or  access to test web server - contact your salesman or send a request go to

Connect 2N® SmartCom PRO unit to your 2N® SmartCom server. In this scenario will be used 2N® SmartCom test server with web interface.

Check, that your unit is connected to the server. (Web interface or in software 2N® Control panel)

Enable AMS function (0 = AMS turned off)


Meter detection:

Performing this command deletes all the data from 2N®SmartCom PRO terminal memory as well as the meter reading configuration part. The parameter interval is global for all installed meters by AT command.

AT command:


(detection 2 meters on M-Bus, for speed 2400 Bd and interval 1 minute)





possible interval for data reading from meters - values: 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M, 10M, 12M, 15M, 20M, 30M, 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 6H, 8H, 12H, 1D

^SCAMSADD: <error_code>,<number_of_devices>,"<primary_address_1>,<secondary_address_1>;<primary_address_2>,<secondary_address_2>;................."


without error - 2 meters found

^SCAMSADD: 0,2,"0,08031768;1,15020416"

error - different number of meters found (only 1)

^SCAMSADD: 65286,1,"0,08031768"

error(collision of secondary addresses)

^SCAMSADD: 131094,0,""

Go to web interface to section "Terminals Monitoring" and synchronize your 2N® SmartCom PRO unit with 2N® SmartCom server.

Press Start sync

Wait until synchronization is finished

In section "Meters" you can find information about your M-Bus meters

Results are in section - "Results" - For the access data (login, password) please contact your salesman or send a request go to

or can be download by FTP client - loggin name: ask 2N