Internet connection does not work on 2N® SpeedRoute or 2N® EasyRoute

If the Internet connection does not work or it stopped working then there are usually two causes:

The mobile network rejects data connections´ requests:

  • Check that correct APN and dial number are set
  • Check that SIM is allowed to make internet connection
  • Check if the SIM has reached data transfer limit

In such cases the log file shows:

:46.194: units/ppp.cpp:1182: Starting mobile internet
:46.198: units/pppd.cpp:81: Dial: "*99#", APN: "internet"
:46.202: units/pppd.cpp:242: auth protocol: CHAP/PAP
:50.144: units/pppd.cpp:367: Daemon 1570:"/usr/sbin/pppd" is dead ! *** kicked out ***
:50.145: units/ppp.cpp:1195: Mobile Internet failed!!
:51.147: er/er.cpp:443: PPP:
:51.148: units/ppp.cpp:1157: Stopping mobile internet

The UMTS module inside 2N® SpeedRoute or 2N® EasyRoute is broken

  • Check log file for message "USB Modem is dead !!!"