2N Process of repair

What should I do if my 2N product does not work correctly?

Prior to sending goods for warranty repair or post-warranty service, please contact our Technical support by logging in to 2N Support. This is available on business days from 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM Prague time. In case you do not have the login information, please contact customercare@2n.com. Alternatively you can use the online support chat to contact Technical support, which is available to all on business days from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Prague time.

If it is not possible to fix the faulty unit remotely, technical support recommends sending the unit for RMA. For that it is necessary to fill repair list. Also the RMA is possible only with our distributors. For more information you can visit our website. After you fill in the repair list, we will provide you with RMA number which should be used as a reference while shipping the goods to 2N.

The delivery address for RMA is: 

2N Telekomunikace

Obchodní 107

25101 Čestlice

Czech Republic

For goods sent from non-EU countries, proforma invoice for custom purposes is required. Total value of proforma invoice should not be over 20 EUR.

What is the warranty period? Can I receive an estimated price of repair in advance?

Warranty period for all our products is 36 months.

After we receive the faulty unit, we proceed with diagnostics to identify the fault cause. In case of post-warranty or disclaimed warranty (for example in case of mechanical damage, overvoltage etc.) we send the estimated price of repair. Only after receiving customer‘s approval of estimated price the faulty product is repaired.

The repair price can be refused but since the diagnostics is completed, we charge 45 EUR for each commenced hour of work, as well as the costs of returning the device to the customer.

How long will the repair take?

2N guarantees the device will be repaired within 30 days in the case of a complaint regarding device manufactured by 2N. This period begins to run on the first day after the device is received for repair. In the event of a complaint regarding device that was not manufactured by 2N, the period for repair is determined by the manufacturers contractual terms and conditions.

The post-warranty repair period cannot be guaranteed.

Can I return some products back to 2N?

Product return is possible every 3 months within Stock Rotation process. We can take back products that are unused, in original packaging and maximum 6 months from purchase. Also we cannot accept products not manufactured by 2N.

We test returned products after reception and provide the credit note afterwards. As a substitution it is mandatory to create a compensation order that will exceed a value of the returned items. In case you want to proceed with Stock rotation, please fill prepared form and send it to rma@2n.com. We will get back to you with information about units approved for return. 

What are the other options for settling your claim if you are 2N distributor?

We now offer an Immediate replacement service. Instead of waiting for the repair you get a functional product right after we receive the faulty product. This service covers all the products listed in the 2N intercom price list for the duration of their warranty. Immediate replacement service is provided automatically and free of charge.

In the meantime, the faulty device is tested and in case of disclaimed warranty, we send you the repair price estimation. If it is approved, we repair and refurbish the unit and keep it in 2N. In case the repair price is refused, we charge the price of the previously shipped replacement unit. 

Is it possible to purchase an extended warranty for 2N product?

We can offer an extended warranty of up to 5 years on all 2N products. An extended warranty could be bought within 1 year after the product’s purchase.

Prices of extended warranty:

  • 1 year extended warranty: 7% of the product’s price

  • 2 years extended warranty: 14% of the product’s price

To order extended warranty, please contact our sales department (sales@2n.com), your area account manager or customer care department (customercare@2n.com).