AutoCLIP routing - AutoCLIP routing is enabled but not working

Verify gateway settings:

  • Check in GSM Incoming groups that Time to keep CLIP in table [hours]: value is higher than 0.

Verify PBX settings

  • PBX must transmit a number which is calling. You can check via Utils/Report capture if PBX is correctly set. Please see examples of correct and wrong call requests from PBX in the gateway trace:
    e02/gxx-->   setup.ind (011) GRP-E/0/00 CHA-2 CDN- 603603603 CGN- (05/8) *** wrong ISDN SETUP message, CGN is not provided
    e02/gxx-->   setup.ind (011) GRP-E/0/00 CHA-2 CDN- 603603603 CGN- 1111 (05/8) *** correct ISDN SETUP message, CGN is provided
    CDN is the dialed number, CGN is the calling number