Battery failure signalization - EasyGate PRO "snake" signal strength

Battery failure is signalized by rotation of the signal strength indicator as shown below:

This might happen if your batteries have more then 2 years, or that there is some kind of battery problem.
To check batteries and solve battery life issue: 
SMS solution (Only for EasyGates PRO with firmware 18.x.x)

  1. Check batteries with SMS EG INF 12345, you will receive SMS where you will see this information:  EXP:0 Time to battery change (days):

  2. Put new batteries into the gateway 4x AA NIMH.

  3. Send SMS with counter reset, parameter 60, confirmation with password: EG CNF 12345 60 = 12345.


When the batteries expire, the line voltage does not turn off, as with other power failures.

SMS sent in case of power / battery error has the form: 

Power: On 

Battery: Ready 

Expire in: 0

 Analogue phone connected to the FXS port solution

  1. Try to change batteries.
  2. Reset with the analogue phone connected to the FXS port by dialing 12345*60*12345* the counter for battery expiration.  


  • For backup use only suggested type of accumulators NiMh size AA. Only this type of storage batteries is permitted for use! When another type of batteries is used, there is a danger of damage of device or even explosion!
  • Recommended batteries are with at least 2000mAh.
    The battery should never be placed in municipal waste. Please check local regulations for disposal of batteries.