Fax - How to solve a problem with faxing over GSM network?


  • gateway supporting FAX transmission, check backside label whether "FAX" is included in gateway´s name.
  • SIM card with active fax service
  • SIM card with multiple numbers - one for voice, one for fax
  • GSM provider supporting protocol T30 for fax transmission

Problems with incoming fax message (from PSTN to 2N® EasyGate)

Follow instructions and send answers to support.2n.cz

  1. What is the percentage of successful incoming fax messages?
  2. How is the yellow LED diode blinking during receiving fax messages?
  3. (third LED diod on 2N(r) EasyGate - Telephone Line indication, see manual page 6)
  4. Are you using G3 FAX connected to FXS port or PC FAX via COM port?
  5. Is your SIM card activated in Multinumbering scheme? (manual page 14)
  6. Send us your configuration file
  7. Follow the instructions below and send us the result
  1. Open HyperTerminal application. Choose COM port and connect the gateway to the PC via serial RS232 interface. Set these properties: 57600, 8, None,1,None
  2. Use these commands:


    atdX (X is a fax number)

  3. Send the response of these commands to us.

Problem with outgoing fax message (from 2N® EasyGate to PSTN)

Follow instructions and send answers to suport.2n.cz

  1. What is the percentage of successful outgoing fax messages?
  2. How is the yellow LED diode blinking during sending fax messages?
  3. (third LED diod on 2N(r) EasyGate - Telephone Line indication, see manual page 6)
  4. Did you use prefix *01* for fax calling before dialling number? (manual page 14)
  5. Are you using G3 FAX connected to FXS port or PC FAX via COM port?
  6. Is your SIM card activated in Multinumbering scheme? (manual page 14)
  7. Send us your configuration file.
  8. Follow the instructions below and send us the result.
  1. Open HyperTerminal application. Choose COM port and connect the gateway to the PC via serial RS232 interface. Set these properties: 57600, 8, None,1,None
  2. Use these commands:


    atdX (X is a fax number)

  3. Send the response of these commands to us.