!How to provide all information to effectively resolve a technical issue on the 2N® VoiceBlue MAX?

Dear customers,

In case you have found some issues with the device, please report it to https://support.2n.cz/.

If you do not have access information, contact your account manager.

Reported issue should contain following information:

  • Detailed description of the issue Please describe to us your problem in detail, so that we will be able to replicate the behaviour based on that description.
  • Backup of your configuration - Send us the current configuration of the device – you can download device's current configuration from device's web interface (menu Management - Configuration download - Save to disk)
  • The current firmware version you use and serial number of device.
  • Gateway's internal trace of described issue according to following FAQ article.
  • Network trace (Wireshark) of described issue (for VOIP communication, SMPP communication, EMAIL2SMS communication, etc....) according to  following FAQ article.
  • Optional: For more complex scenarios, please also attach network topology diagram of LAN (for VOIP communication, SMPP communication, EMAIL2SMS communication, etc....).

All those information will help us to resolve your issue and provide you our feedback much faster.

Thank you for your understanding.