E-mail to SMS - How to set up

This explaining guide is created for 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise or 2N® Office Route.

  1. Create user in VoiceBlue Enterprise/OfficeRoute. Enable the SMS rights for this user. If you want to create the user without SIP phone, do not enter Line number.
  2. Message setting – do not forget to set up „Email domain name“.
  3. To avoid the memory overload set the automatic storage action according to the picture below.

    In case you would like to allow sending SMSs from a part of the network or only from one computer, tick SMTP IP access control in „SMS delivery“ and then create a rule in „SMTP IP access“. In case you would like to make restriction only for the range –, create the rule that you can see below.
  4. Now you need to set up POP3 and SMTP server in Outlook. First of all go to Tools -> Account settings and create new account. In account settings specify user name, IP address of OfficeRoute in incoming and outgoing mail server and login information.
  5. After this setting click "More Setting..." button and in section Outgoing Server activate parameter "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication".
  6. Now you can create SMS and send it to a mobile phone. Do not forget to choose the correct account in Account setting.