How to report a problem on Omega series?

In the case of a problem with 2N® Omega Lite/2N® Omega 48, please send following information to

  • firmware version and revision e.g. 4.05rev16
  • configuration tool version e.g. 4.05M
  • PBX configuration file – Read the PBX configuration (blue arrow icon] and Save it to the file
  • Detailed problem´s description
  • Data.acc i Data.dia – Read them using $ icon (saved to the root directory of the configuration tool in Program Files)
  • trace from XAPI server (if possible) with description (called and calling party number, used external lines ...)

If you have a problem with VoIP communication, please send us additional information:

  • firmware version of Ethernet (VoIP) modul e.g. 2.2.9
  • configuration backup of Ethernet (VoIP) modul – from Administration Tool
  • log file from Ethernet (VoIP) modul – "Download logs" in States&Logs
  • wireshark (ethereal) trace (if possible), specially if problem is related to the voice (RTP communication]
  • IP addresses of Omega, VoIP phones, other PBX etc.