I do not now the actual IP address of OfficeRoute

  • Connect the OfficeRoute via USB cable and check the IP address
    • After connecting the USB cable to your PC, a new COM port will be installed. You can be asked for a driver (you can download it from http://www.2n.cz/en/downloads/p=officeroute%7Ccategory=software).
    • Connect to the OfficeRoute by some terminal software (hyperterminal or putty) via a new virtual COM port which will appears after OfficeRoute connecting. The communication speed is 921600.
    • Press Enter after connecting - the configuration will appear.

    • Press 1 and go to the Configuration of the device. Press 1 again to enter the Network configuration
    • The actual network configuration will appear - you can change the parameters by pressing particular numbers (1 for IP address, 2 for Network mask, etc)