PRI gateway - How to set 2N® NetStar as a PRI gateway

  • This „how to“ manual will help you to set up 2N NetStar as a PRI <-> GSM/UMTS gateway. Before you start programming the system, it is highly recommended to read configuration manual.

  1. Check your licence – you need at least 1 PRI port licence (Global data -> Licence) . If you do not have it, please contact

  2. Set up PRI port (including jumpers).
    1. We recommend to set up PRI port as NT. (PRI port of the PBX must be TE).
    2. Set up PRI port as Default IN -important for proper network tones transmission. (Virtual ports -> BRI/PRI -> Basic).
    1. Delete all tones from Default IN (Properties -> Tones)
  3. Set up GSM/UMTS ports
    1. .Create a bundle - GSM (Routing -> Routing objects -> Bundle) and use all GSM ports in this bundle. It is recommended to use cyclical strategy.
  4. Create a router - From PBX. (Routing -> Routers -> Called party number Router)
    This router will send all calls to GSM. It is very important to specify length of the numbers. In our example GSM prefixes are 6 and 7 and numbers are 9-digit long.
  5. Use router From PBX as a from port router on the PRI port. (Properties -> Routing).
  6. Create router – From GSM. (Routing -> Routers -> Called party number Router)
    The purpose of this router is to route all calls from GSM to the predefined extension in the PBX (in our example 111).
  7. Use router From GSM as a from port router on Default OUT. (Properties -> Routing).
  8. Switch off CLIP normalizing (Global Data -> Localisation)
    in case you do not want NetStar to modify incoming CLI (e.g. strip international prefix)