SMS reader - How to install it with 2N® NetStar

SMS reader installation

Create a new user in 2N Netstar PBX, menu Users, Users and Groups, than right click into middle section and Add user

Fill Name and create an extension, in our case Title 100 and Number/URI 100 and OK

After that create user rights for that user, Menu Users, User rights - right click on our User 100 and create login (for example User 100 has Login and password 100)

Start the program NsSmsRSetup.exe and follow the steps on the screen

During your installation follow the same steps as in AoC reader installation. FAQ

AoC reader installation - How to install it with 2N® NetStar


Specify Netstar PBX IP address, login name and password of the user that you have created in Netstar

Now you have to run program SMS reader as Administrator (spustit jako správce)

Example of the SMSreader records