Static IP address - How to set up static IP address for 2N® NetStar

In the default setting has the CPU static IP address

There are two possibilities how you can change the static IP address

  1. You can connect with a serial cable to a COM port on the CPU and use for example a Putty program to connect and change the IP address and other basic parameters. Communication speed is 115200 Bd
  2. The Network – Network Interfaces menu helps you manage all network interfaces available in the PBX. In addition to the CPU interface, there are Ethernet interfaces of VoIP boards. The bit rate of all the interfaces is 10/100 Mbit/s. These interfaces are used for communication with the PBX and SMTP clients, for signalling and RTP streams of VoIP calls. Having been opened, the Network – Network interfaces menu displays a list of Ethernet interfaces of the PBX on the left and selected interface settings on the right. With the CPU interface, the options are as follows:

    Get IP address from DHCP server – enable obtaining IP settings from the DHCP server automatically. In this case the following sections are inactive.

    • Use following IP address – enable the following static IP address and DNS server setting sections.
      • IP address – define the static IP address for this interface.
      • Subnet mask – define the subnet bit mask.
      • Default gateway – define the IP address of the router or PC through which the PBX communicates outside the LAN.
    • DNS server addresses
      • Preferred server – define the IP address of the primary DNS server.
      • Spare server – define the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
      • DNS HostName – define the PBX Host Name.
      • DNS Domain – define the PBX Domain Name.
    • Description – this field is for information only.
    • Producer – this field is for information only.


You will lose connection with the PBX whenever you change the IP address. We recommend you to change the IP address via the console menu on the serial interface - option 1