5.10.1 api log caps
The /api/log/caps function returns a list of supported event types that are recorded in the device. This list is a subset of the full event type list below:
Event type | Description | Parameters | |
Permanent | Conditioned | ||
AccessBlocked | Signals blocking of user authentication, zone code, REX exit button and license plate based access on an access point. | "ap, state" | |
AccessLimited | An event occuring whenever 5 unsuccessful user authentication attempts are made (card, code, fingerprint). The access module is blocked for 30 seconds even in case the subsequent authentication is correct. Signals user rejection. | "ap, type, state" | |
AccessTaken | When applying the card in the Antipassback area. | "ap, session" | |
ApiAccessRequested | An event whenever a request was sent to /api/accesspoint/grantaccess with the result "success" : true. | "ap, valid" | "session, uuid" |
AudioLoopTest | Signals performance and result of an automatic audio loop test. | "result" | |
CallSessionStateChanged | An event describing the direction, status of the call, address, created session number and how many calls were generated. | "session, state" | "originator, info" |
CallStateChanged | Indicates call direction (incoming, outgoing) and SIP/opponent identification at a call state change (ringing, connected, terminated). | "direction, state, peer, session, call" | "reason, device, sipAccount, sipCallId " |
CapabilitiesChanged | Signals a change in available functions. | ||
CardHeld | Signals RFID card tapping and holding for more than 4 s. | "reader, uid, valid" | "ap, session, direction, uuid" |
CardEntered | Signals tapping of an RFID card on the card reader. | "reader, uid, valid" | "ap, session, direction, uuid" |
CodeEntered | Signals entering of a user code via the numeric keypad. | "code, valid " | "ap, session, direction, input, type, uuid, reason" |
ConfigurationChanged | Signals a device configuration change. | ||
DeviceState | Signals a system event generated at device state changes. | "state" | |
DisplayTouched | Signals display touch. | "x, y, dx, dy" | |
DirectoryChanged | Change in the directory. | "series" | "timestamp" |
DirectorySaved | Saved change in the directory. | "series" | "timestamp" |
DoorOpenTooLong | Signals excessively long door opening or door closing failure within the timeout. | "state" | |
DoorStateChanged | Signals a door state change. | "state" | |
DtmfEntered | DTMF code received in call or off call locally. | "code, call, valid" | "type, uuid" |
DtmfPressed | DTMF code pressed in call or off call locally. | "code, call valid" | |
DtmfSent | DTMF code sent in call or off call locally. | "code" | "call" |
ExternalCameraStateChanged | Signals an external camera state change. | "state" | "id, reason" |
ErrorStateChanged | Signals a LiftIP 2.0 error state change. | "in, state, reason" | |
FingerEntered | Signals that a finger has been swiped across the biometric reader. | "valid" | "ap, session, direction, uuid" |
FingerEnrollState | Placing a finger on the reader to record the user's fingerprint. | "session, state" | |
HardwareChanged | Signals a connection change of the extending modules. | "reason, class, id" | "info, config, state, categories" |
CheckingCall | Displays details of an accomplished checking call. | "action" | |
InputChanged | Signals a logic input state change. | "port, state" | |
KeyPressed | Signals a quick dial/numerical keypad button press, display touch or Bluetooth autentication key press. | "key" | |
KeyReleased | Signals a quick dial/numerical keypad button release. | "key" | |
LicensePlateRecognized | Signals car license plate recognition for valid access. | "ap, licensePlate, valid" | "session, uuid" |
LiftConfigChanged | Signals an elevator control setting change. | "hash" | |
LiftErrorStateChanged | Signals a LiftIP 2.0 error state change. | "in, state, reason" | |
LiftFloorsEnabled | Floor access by an elevator. | "floors" | "uuid, session" |
LiftStatusChanged | Lift Control module connection/disconnection detection. | "module, ready" | |
LoginBlocked | Signals temporary blocking of login to the web interface. | "address" | |
MobKeyEntered | Signals Bluetooth reader authentication. | "action, authid, valid" | "ap, session, direction, uuid" |
MotionDetected | Signals motion detection via a camera. | ID = corresponds to the motion detection profile number in the web interface "state" | |
NoiseDetected | Signals increased noise level detection. | only for models equipped with a microphone or microphone input "state" | |
OutputChanged | Signals a logic output state change. | "port, state" | |
PairingStateChanged | Signals pairing with a Bluetooth interface. | "state, authId" | |
RescueStateChanged | Signals a rescue state change. | "state, reason" | |
RegistrationStateChanged | Signals a SIP server registration state change. | "sipAccount, state" | "reason" |
RexActivated | Signals REX departure button activation. | "ap, session, valid" | "reason" |
SilentAlarm | Signals silent alarm activation. | "ap, session, name" | "uuid" |
SwitchesBlocked | Signals lock blocking by tamper switch activation. | "state" | |
SwitchOperationChanged | Change in the operation of the switch (signals the state of locking or holding the switch, starting and restarting the timer or ending it - transition to permanent holding). | "switch" | "enabled, locked, held, hold_timeout, originator" |
SwitchStateChanged | Signals a switch 1–4 state change. | "switch, state" | "ap, session, originator, call, peer, device" |
TamperSwitchActivated | Signals tamper switch activation. | "state" | |
UnauthorizedDoorOpen | Signals unauthorized door opening. | only for models equipped with digital inputs "state" | |
UserActionActivated | Signals a change of the input configured as User Action Trigger. | "id, state" | |
UserAuthenticated | Signals user authentication and subsequent door opening. | "ap, session, name" | "uuid, apbBroken" |
UserRejected | Signals user authentication rejection. | "ap, session, name" | "uuid, reason" |
VirtualInput | Changing the virtual input. | "port, state" | |
VirtualOutput | Changing the virtual output. | "port, state" | |
WaveKeyActivated | Bluetooth authentication activated. | "type" |
The function is part of the Logging service and requires no special user privileges.
The GET or POST method can be used for this function.
The function has no parameters.
The reply is in the application/json format:
Parameter | Type | Description |
events | array | Array of strings including a list of supported event types |
GET /api/log/caps { "success" : true, "result" : { "events" : [ "KeyPressed", "KeyReleased", "InputChanged", "OutputChanged", "CardEntered", "CallStateChanged", "AudioLoopTest", "CodeEntered", "DeviceState", "RegistrationStateChanged" ] } }