5.10.4 api log pull
The /api/log/pull helps you read items from the channel queue (subscription) and returns a list of events unread so far or an empty list if no new event is available. Larger amounts of events are pulled in batches of 128 events.
Use the timeout parameter to define the maximum time for the intercom to generate the reply. If there is one item at least in the queue, the reply is generated immediately. In case the channel queue is empty, the intercom puts off the reply until a new event arises or the defined timeout elapses.
The function is part of the Logging service and requires no special user privileges. Reading events is conditioned by the privilege allowing the user to monitor such events, refer to 5.10.2 api log subscribe for the event table.
The GET or POST method can be used for this function.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Default value | Description |
id | uint32 | Yes | – | Identifier of the existing channel created by preceding dialling of /api/log/subscribe |
timeout | uint32 | No | 0 | Define the reply delay (in seconds) if the channel queue is empty. The default value 0 means that the intercom shall reply without delay. |
The reply is in the application/json format and includes a list of events.
Parameter | Type | Description |
events | array | Event object array. If no event occurs during the timeout, the array is empty. |
GET /api/log/pull { "success" : true, "result" : { "events" : [ { "id" : 1, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987102, "upTime" : 8, "event" : "DeviceState", "params" : { "state" : "startup" } }, { "id" : 3, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987105, "upTime" : 11, "event" : "RegistrationStateChanged", "params" : { "sipAccount" : 1, "state" : "registered" } } ] } }
Each event in the events field includes the following common information:
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | uint32 | Internal event record ID (32bit number, 1 after intercom restart incremented with every new event) |
utcTime | uint32 | Absolute event rise time (Unix Time, UTC) |
upTime | uint32 | Relative event rise time (seconds after intercom restart) |
tzShift | int32 | Difference between the local time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in minutes. Add this value to utcTime to obtain the local time of event generation according to the device time zone: localTime = utcTime + tzShift * 60 |
event | string | Event type (KeyPressed, InputChanged, ...) |
params | object | Specific event parameters |
Signals the device state changes.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | Signalled device state: startup – generated one-time after device start (always the first event ever) |
{ "id" : 1, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987102, "upTime" : 8, "event" : "DeviceState", "params" : { "state" : "startup" } }
Signals performance and result of an automatic audio loop test. The event is signalled whenever the automatic test has been performed (either scheduled or manually started).
Parameter | Type | Description |
result | string | Result of an accomplished text: passed – the test was carried out successfully, no problem has been detected. failed – the test was carried out, a loudspeaker/microphone problem has been detected. |
{ "id" : 26, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1438073190, "upTime" : 9724, "event" : "AudioLoopTest", "params" : { "result" : "passed" } }
Signals motion detection via a camera. The event is available in camera-equipped models only. The event is generated only if the function is enabled in the intercom camera configuration.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | Motion detector state: in – signals the beginning of the interval in which motion was detected. out – signals the end of the interval in which motion was detected. |
{ "id" : 2, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1441357589, "upTime" : 1, "event" : "MotionDetected", "params" : { "state" : "in" } }
Signals an increased noise level detected via an integrated or external microphone. The event is generated only if this function is enabled in the intercom configuration.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | Noise detector state: in – signals the beginning of the interval in which noise was detected. out – signals the end of the interval in which noise was detected. |
{ "id" : 2, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1441357589, "upTime" : 1, "event" : "NoiseDetected", "params" : { "state" : "in" } }
KeyPressed and KeyReleased
Signals pressing (KeyPressed) or releasing (KeyReleased) of speed dial or numeric keypad buttons.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | Pressed/released button code: 0 to 9 – numeric keypad buttons %1–%150 – speed dialling buttons * – button with a * or phone symbol # – button with a # or key symbol |
{ "id" : 4, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987888, "upTime" : 794, "event" : "KeyPressed", "params" : { "key" : "5" } }
Signals entering of a user code via the numeric keypad. The event is generated in numeric keypad equipped devices only.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit |
session | string | Informs how many times the code has been entered. |
direction | string | Code direction: in – arrival out – departure any – passage Note: Set the card reader direction using the intercom configuration interface. |
code | string | User code, 1234, e.g. The code includes 2 digits at least and 00 cannot be used. |
type | string | |
uuid | string | User's unique ID |
valid | boolean | Code validity (i.e. if the code is defined as a valid user code or universal switch code in the intercom configuration): false – invalid code true – valid code |
{ "id" : 128, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1548078453, "upTime" : 1061, "event" : "CodeEntered", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 8, "direction" : "in", "code" : "1234", "type" : "user", "uuid" : "54877b0e-4cc3-c645-9530-6c7850f47a9c", "valid" : true } }
Signals tapping an RFID card on the card reader. The event is generated in RFID card reader equipped devices only.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit |
session | Informs how many times the card has been applied. | |
direction | string | RFID direction: in – arrival out – departure any – passage Note: Set the card reader direction using the intercom configuration interface. |
reader | string | RFID card reader/Wiegand module name, or one of the following non-modular intercom model values: internal – internal card reader (2N IP intercoms) external – external card reader connected via the Wiegand interface Note: Set the card reader name using the intercom configuration interface. |
uid | string | Unique identifier of the applied card (hexadecimal format, 6 - 16 characters depending on the card type) |
uuid | string | User's unique ID |
valid | boolean | Validity of the applied RFID card (if the card uid is assigned to one of the intercom users listed in the phonebook) false – invalid card true – valid card |
{ "id" : 60, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1548078014, "upTime" : 622, "event" : "CardEntered", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 5, "direction" : "in", "reader" : "ext2", "uid" : "4BD9E903", "uuid" : "54877b0e-4cc3-c645-9530-6c7850f47a9c", "valid" : true } }
InputChanged and OutputChanged
Signals a state change of the logic input (InputChanged) or output (OutputChanged). Use the /api/io/caps function to get the list of available inputs and outputs.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
port | string | I/O port name |
state | boolean | Current I/O port logic state: false – inactive, log. 0 true – active, log. 1 |
{ "id" : 2, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987103, "upTime" : 9, "event" : "OutputChanged", "params" : { "port" : "led_secured", "state" : false } }
Signals a switch state change (refer to the intercom configuration in Hardware | Switches).
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
switch | uint32 | Switch number 1...4 |
state | boolean | Current logic state of the switch: false – inactive, log.0 true – active, log.1 |
originator | string | Informs how the switch was activated. profile – by transition to the preset active time profile. api – by http api (api/switch/ctrl). ap – by user authentication at the access point. The event is then completed with app and session. rex – by pressing the exit button (that opens the door for a defined period of time for the person to leave the room). idt – by http api (api/switch/ctrl) if special authentication for 2N® Indoor Touch 2.0, 1.0 was used. dtmf – by dtmf code in the call. auth – authorization by a user / universal / zone code. uni – universal code authorization. zone – zone code authorization. automation – by an automation action. |
{ "id" : 2, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987103, "upTime" : 9, "event" : "SwitchStateChanged", "params" : { "switch" : 1, "state" : true } }
Signals a setup/end/change of the active call state.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
direction | string | Call direction: incoming – incoming call outgoing – outgoing call |
state | string | Current call state: connecting – call setup in progress (outgoing calls only) ringing – ringing connected – call connected terminated – call terminated |
peer | string | SIP URI of the calling (incoming calls) or called (outgoing calls) subscriber |
session | uint32 | Unique call identifier. Can also be used in the /api/call/answer, /api/call/hangup and /api/call/status functions. |
call | uint32 | TBD |
{ "id" : 5, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1438064126, "upTime" : 660, "event" : "CallStateChanged", "params" : { "direction" : "incoming", "state" : "ringing", "peer" : "sip:2229@;user=phone", "session" : 1, "call" : 1 } }
Signals a change of the SIP account registration state.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
sipAccount | uint32 | SIP account number showing a state change: 1 – SIP account 1 2 – SIP account 2 |
state | string | New SIP account registration state: registered – account successfully registered unregistered – account unregistered registering – registration in progress unregistering – unregistration in progress |
{ "id" : 3, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1437987105, "upTime" : 11, "event" : "RegistrationStateChanged", "params" : { "sipAccount" : 1, "state" : "registered" } }
Signals tamper switch activation - device cover opening. Make sure that the tamper switch function is configured in the Digital Inputs | Tamper Switch menu.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | Tamper switch state: in – signals tamper switch activation (i.e. device cover open). out – signals tamper switch deactivation (device cover closed). |
{ "id" : 54, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1441357589, "upTime" : 158, "event" : "TamperSwitchActivated", "params" : { "state" : "in" } }
Signals unauthorized door opening. Make sure that a door-open switch is connected to one of the digital inputs and the function is configured in the Digital Inputs | Door State menu.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | Unauthorized door opening state: in – signals the beginning of the unauthorized opening state. out – signals the end of the unauthorized door opening state. |
{ "id" : 80, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1441367842, "upTime" : 231, "event" : "UnauthorizedDoorOpen", "params" : { "state" : "in" } }
Signals an excessively long door opening or failure to close the door within a timeout. Make sure that a door-open switch is connected to one of the digital inputs and the function is configured in the Digital Inputs | Door State menu.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | DoorOpenToo Long state: in – signals the beginning of the DoorOpenTooLong state. out – signals the end of the DoorOpenTooLong state. |
{ "id" : 96, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1441369745, "upTime" : 275, "event" : "DoorOpenTooLong", "params" : { "state" : "out" } }
Signals a temporary blocking of the web interface access due to repeated entering of an invalid login name or password.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
address | string | IP address from which invalid data were entered repeatedly. |
{ "id" : 5, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1441369745, "upTime" : 275, "event" : "LoginBlocked", "params" : { "address" : "" } }
Signals user authentication and subsequent door opening.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit |
session | string | Informs how many times the user has been authenticated. |
name | string | Specifies the name of the phone book user. |
uuid | string | User's unique ID |
apbBroken | string | Tapped card validity in Anti-passback. false – inactive soft APB true – active and broken soft ABP |
{ "success" : true, "result" : { "events" : [ { "id" : 65, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1593606655, "upTime" : 7951, "event" : "UserAuthenticated", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 6, "name" : "Alice Gruberov\u00E1", "uuid" : "8fa29ebc-2fe8-4a8c-9a3b-d8b0351fb6f8", "apbBroken" : true } } ] } }
Signals that an RFID card has been tapped on the reader for more than 4 s.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit |
session | string | Informs how many times the card has been applied. |
direction | string | RFID direction: in – arrival out – departure any – passage Note: Set the card reader direction using the intercom configuration interface. |
reader | string | Identification of the reader that read the card. |
uid | string | User uid for devices connected to the Access Commander only. Devices disconnected from the Access Commander do not send this parameter. |
valid | string | true, false |
{ "id" : 9, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1516893493, "upTime" : 354, "event" : "CardHeld", "params" : { "ap" : 1, "session" : 4, "direction" : "out", "reader" : "ext2", "uid" : "3F00F318E7", "valid" : true } }
Signals silent alarm activation.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
session | string | Informs how many silent alarms have been activated. |
name | string | Specifies the phonebook username. |
{ "id" : 200, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1548079445, "upTime" : 2053, "event" : "SilentAlarm", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 17, "name" : "Joseph", "uuid" : "54877b0e-4cc3-c645-9530-6c7850f47a9c" } }
Signals rejection of the set user.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
type | string | card, code, finger |
state | string | State, available values: in = active, out = inactive. |
{ "id" : 408, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1517302112, "upTime" : 408951, "event" : "AccessLimited", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "type" : "card", "state" : "in" } }
Signals pairing with a Bluetooth interface.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | pending |
authId | string | Authorisation ID |
{ "id" : 197, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1516894499, "upTime" : 1360, "event" : "PairingStateChanged", "params" : { "state" : "pending", "authId" : "F2CAE955C9B4E81CD00E3A096E52543B" } }
Signals lock blocking by the tamper switch. If the function is enabled, all the switches get blocked for 30 minutes whenever the tamper is activated. Blocking is active even after the device restart
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | in, out |
{ "id" : 205, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1516894667, "upTime" : 1528, "event" : "SwitchesBlocked", "params" : { "state" : "in" } }
Signals that a finger has been tapped on the biometric reader.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
session | string | Informs how many times the finger has been enrolled. |
direction | string | Fingerprint reader passage direction: "in" – entry "out" – exit "any" – any direction Note: Set the reader passage direction via the intercom configuration interface. |
uuid | string | User's unique ID |
valid | string | Fingerprint validity (if available as a valid user fingerprint in the configuration) false – invalid fingerprint true – valid fingerprint |
Example: Reading of a user's fingerprint
{ "id" : 1368, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1548145535, "upTime" : 62598, "event" : "FingerEntered", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 1, "direction" : "in", "valid" : false } }
Unsuccessful specification: Reading of an unset user's fingerprint
{ "id" : 14, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1511859513, "upTime" : 65887, "event" : "FingerEntered", "params" : { "session" : 3, "valid" : false } }
Signals Bluetooth reader authentication.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
session | string | Informs how many times the Mobile KEY authorisation has been applied. |
direction | string | Passage direction: "in" – entry "out" – exit "any" – any direction Note: Set the reader passage direction via the intercom configuration interface. |
authid | string | Mobile Key ID. |
uuid | string | User's unique ID |
valid | string | Mobile Key validity (if available as a valid user Mobile Key in the configuration) false – invalid Mobile Key true – valid Mobile Key |
{ "id" : 161, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1548079174, "upTime" : 1782, "event" : "MobKeyEntered", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 9, "direction" : "in", "authid" : "48c48155eed7ea1dbb0b4d534b7459b9", "uuid" : "54877b0e-4cc3-c645-9530-6c7850f47a9c", "valid" : true } }
Signals a door state change.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
state | string | opened, closed |
{ "id" : 240, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1516895295, "upTime" : 2156, "event" : "DoorStateChanged", "params" : { "state" : "opened" } }
Signals user authentication rejection.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
session | string | Informs how many times the authorisation has been rejected. |
name | string | User name |
uuid | string | User's unique ID |
reason | string | accessBlocked, switchLocked, invalidTime, invalidProfile, invalidSequence, invalidCredential, authInterrupted, timeout, switchDisabled |
{ "id" : 173, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1548079274, "upTime" : 1882, "event" : "UserRejected", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "session" : 10, "name" : "Joseph", "uuid" : "54877b0e-4cc3-c645-9530-6c7850f47a9c", "reason" : "invalidCredential" } }
Signals display touch.
Event parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | string | Display touch point coordinate. The maximum value depends of the display resolution. |
y | string | Display touch point coordinate. |
dx | string | Coordinate change due to movement on the display; negative values are possible. The maximum value depends of the display resolution. |
dy | string | Coordinate change due to movement on the display. |
{ "id" : 337, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1517301424, "upTime" : 408263, "event" : "DisplayTouched", "params" : { "x" : 89, "y" : 100, "dx" : 0, "dy" : 0 } }
Signals a DTMF code in the call.
{ "id" : 86, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1558522871, "upTime" : 3531, "event" : "DtmfEntered", "params" : { "code" : "00", "type" : "uni", "call" : 3, "valid" : true } }
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | string | Display the code characters entered. |
type | string | The code type used. uni – universal switch code user – user code |
call | string | Call ID. |
valid | string | Code validity (i.e. the valid universal switch code or valid user code). false – invalid code true – valid code |
Signals that a card has been tapped in the Anti-passback area.
{ "success" : true, "result" : { "events" : [ ] } }
Signals an emergency lockdown state change (on/off).
{ "id" : 35, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1558522465, "upTime" : 3125, "event" : "ApLockStateChanged", "params" : { "ap" : 0, "state" : "in" } }
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
state | string | Status change state. "in" – beginning of the emergency lockdown interval "out" – end of the emergency lockdown interval
Signals the input activation set for the REX button.
{ "id" : 29, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1558522162, "upTime" : 2822, "event" : "RexActivated", "params" : { "ap" : 1, "session" : 1 } }
Parameter | Type | Description |
ap | string | Access Point, available states: 0 = entry, 1 = exit. |
session | string | Display how many times the REX button has been activated. |
Signals the Lift Control module connection/disconection.
{ "id" : 2871, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1561540370, "upTime" : 73822, "event" : "LiftStatusChanged", "params" : { "module" : 0, "ready" : true } },
Parameter | Type | Description |
module | string | Display the ID module. |
ready | string |
Signals permanent access to a floor or permanent user access.
{ "id" : 2850, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1561540011, "upTime" : 73463, "event" : "LiftFloorsEnabled", "params" : { "type" : "user" "floors" : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "uuid" : "621a5a49-1f8b-d34c-9a8b-881055864deb", } },
{ "id" : 2855, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1561540016, "upTime" : 73468, "event" : "LiftFloorsEnabled", "params" : { "type" : "public" "floors" : [ 1, 4 ], } },
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | string | Provides information on the access type. public – change of public access user – user authentication |
floors | string | Provides information on the accessible floors. |
Signals a change in the lift control configuration.
{ "id" : 2860, "tzShift" : 0, "utcTime" : 1561540163, "upTime" : 73615, "event" : "LiftConfigChanged", "params" : { "hash" : 11 } },
Parametr | Typ | Popis |
hash | string | Unique configuration code. |
Signals a change in available functions.
{ "success":true, "result":{ "events":[ { "id":21, "tzShift":0, "utcTime":1585037151, "upTime":256, "event":"CapabilitiesChanged", "params":{ } } ] } }
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | Event sequence number. |
tzShift | uint32 | Difference between the local time and UTC in minutes. Add this value to utcTime to get the local time of event generation according to the time zone setting in the device: localTime = utcTime + tzShift * 60 |
utcTime | uint32 | Absolute event generation time (Unix Time, UTC – Coordinated Universal Time). |
upTime | uint32 | Relative event generation time (seconds after the intercom restart). |
event | string | CapabilitiesChanged event type. |
params | object | Specific parameters of the event. |