5.14.4 api dir delete
The /api/dir/delete function deletes an array of entries in the directory.
The request contains parameters in the application/json format.
Key Name | Mandatory | Expected Values | Default Value | Description |
owner | Yes if users is omitted | a string | - | All entries in the directory with the specified owner are deleted |
users | Yes if owner is omitted | array of JSON objects defining uuids | - | The array has to contain at least one object with the key uuid, which defines the entry that is to be deleted. |
Example of Request
URL: JSON (owner specified) { "owner": "My2N" } JSON (uuid specified) { "users": [ { "uuid": "01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF" }, { "uuid": "76543210-68FF-18CA-3210-FEDCBA987654" }, { "uuid": "76543210-68FF-18-3210-FEDCBA987654" } ] }
If there is no entry in the directory with the specified owner, an empty array is returned.
If there is no entry in the directory with uuid 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF, the device will respond with an error code (see below). Similarly for the second uuid 76543210-68FF-18CA-3210-FEDCBA987654.
If the entry with uuid 01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF is present, it will be deleted. Similarly for the second uuid 76543210-68FF-18CA-3210-FEDCBA987654.
The third uuid has a wrong format and an error is returned.
The response is in the application/json format. The result object contains the keys series and users.
Go to the topic api/dir/query to get more information on the use of the key series.
The key users contains an array of objects that contain keys uuid and timestamp.
- You can get better acquainted with the structure of the JSON response in the example at the end of this topic.
Key | Typical Returned Values | Description |
uuid | uuid | Unique User Identifier of a deleted or unchanged entry. |
timestamp | integer | A timestamp of performed changes in the directory. Go to the topic api/dir/query to get more information on the use of the timestamp. The timestamp is present only when a change in the directory was successful. |
errors | array of error objects | An error object containing an array of all errors that occured. errors object is present only when a change in the directory failed. It contains an error code in the key code showing a reason for the failure of a change in the directory. The following error codes may be returned in a response:
Example of Response
{ "success": true, "result": { "series": "6423407687606431951", "users": [ { "uuid": "01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF", "timestamp": 39 }, { "uuid": "76543210-68FF-18CA-3210-FEDCBA987654", "errors": [ { "code": "EDIR_UUID_DOES_NOT_EXIST" } ] }, { "uuid": "76543210-68FF-18-3210-FEDCBA987654", "errors": [ { "code": "EDIR_UUID_INVALID_FORMAT" } ] } ] } }
The first entry in the directory is deleted successfully, its uuid and timestamp of the change are returned.
The second entry does not exist (no entry with such uuid).
The third object has a wrong format of uuid.