3. SoftPhones

Software telephones are usually used as peer-to-peer, but also as standard SIP VoIP telephones. Included are also softphones for mobile devices.

An 2N IP intercom compatible device is able to

  • set up a call from both sides;
  • unlock the switch (by DTMF or by HTTP command);
  • show video if supported by the phone.

2N IP intercom supports SIP Direct Call.


Windows PC

LogoSpolečnostTestované telefonyTestované verzeInteroperabilita


AdoreInfotechAdore Softphone Premium1.0.4 Premium(zelená hvězda)

AvayaIP Office Softphone3.2.3.49 68975(tikot)
Avaya Communicator for Windows2.1.1.74(tikot)

Belledonne communicationsLinphone3.10.2(tikot)

CiscoCisco IP Communicator (tikot)
Cisco Jabber4.8(varování)


CounterPath Bria2.4 (build 49274)(tikot)
CounterPath X-Lite4.9.0 78104(tikot)
CounterPath eyeBeam1.5(tikot)

HSYCOHSYCO VoIP Touch (tikot)

IdeaWorks MeShIdeaWorks MeSh (tikot)


RavaRava™ SIP Intercom & Phone Technology (tikot)

SJ LabsSJ Phone1.65.2637(tikot)

SkypeSkype Connect (tikot)

SWYXSwyxIt!All Versions(tikot)

Voip by AntisipVoip by Antisip (tikot)

VoipSwitchVoipSwitch Vippie (Android) (tikot)

Android klienti

LogoSpolečnostTestovaný klientTestované verzeInteroperabilita

3CX3CXPhone 1212.5.35 

AdoreInfotechAdore Softphone3.3.6(zelená hvězda)

Americ MoizardVoip by Antisip4.2.0(tikot)

AvayaAvaya one-X Mobile1.á hvězda)

Belledonne communications

Linphone Video

2.4.1(zelená hvězda)

CounterPathCounterPath Bria (tikot)
Bria Stretto3.2.4 


Grandstream Networks

Grandstream Wave1.0.1.6(zelená hvězda)

i-p-tel GmbHSipdroid3.7 beta(zelená hvězda)

MEDIA5Media5-fone VoIP SIP Softphone4.11.1.4967(zelená hvězda)-

Mobyx SolutionsSoftphone1.5 


MizutechMizuDroid SIP VOIP Softphone2.0.6(zelená hvězda)

PortSIPPort GO6.2.1(tikot)

Regis MontoyaCSipSimple1.02.03(zelená hvězda)

SecuraxZoiper IAX SIP VOIP Softphone1.27 34166(tikot)

Sipwisesip:phone1.0 b63(zelená hvězda)

VerysoftEVA SIP Phone2.1(zelená hvězda) 

Apple iPhony / iPady

LogoSpolečnostTestovaný klientTestované verzeInteroperabilita

AvayaAvaya Communicator2.1.1.74(tikot)

CounterPathCounterPath Bria (tikot)

Belledonne communicationsLinphone3.10.2(tikot)

Used Symbols

(tikot) - Verified with video

(zelená hvězda) - Verified with audio only

(varování) - Work with limitation

(chyba) - Incompatible