Digitalisierungsbox Smart



Version 10

Used Symbols


The Digitalisierungsbox Smart is the hub of your home network, connecting your computers and network devices with the Internet. You can operate the Digitalisierungsbox Smart as an Internet router on a DSL or VDSL line. The Digitalisierungsbox Smart is equipped with ports for computers, telephones and supports the wireless technologies WLAN. You can use the Digitalisierungsbox Smart as a wireless LAN access point for wireless devices like notebooks, tablets or smartphones. Connected telephones use the Digitalisierungsbox Smart as a telephone system (PBX). The Digitalisierungsbox Smart integrates connected computers and network devices into your private home network. 

Version 10

Tested with

Digitalisierungsbox Smart2N IP IntercomRegistrationCalls

(tick)(green star)


The Digitalisierungsbox Smart user interface can be opened on any computer connected with the Digitalisierungsbox Smart. Start a web browser on your computer. Enter IP address in the address line of the browser. The Digitalisierungsbox Smart user interface opens and enter the password.

In settings Digitalisierungsbox Smart go to: Telephony
In settings Telephony go to: Internal Numbers
Now you can add new internal number.
Fill Internal Number, Description, Password for IP Phone Registration and click OK.
Go to Terminals and add new Terminal.
Set Interface Type, Description and Internal Number and click OK.

Open web browser and enter IP address of intercom (default: admin/2n). Go to Service – Phone – SIP 1 and fill Intercom Identity – Authentication – SIP Proxy – SIP Registrar and save settings. Connection between Digitalisierungsbox Smart and 2N IP Intercom is now ready. In directory you can set, which numbers you will call from 2N IP Intercom (you can ad numbers from which are in Digitalisierungsbox Smart).

Used Symbols

(tick) - Verified with video

(green star) - Verified with audio only

(warning) - Work with limitation

(error) - Incompatible