2.5 First Startup

When you start the device for the first time, the initial initialisation (longer start) is performed and indicated by the following LED notification sequence: RedBlueGreen → Boot animation on the screen → Introductory system screen.

The introductory screen provides essential information for User Manual saving/reading. Select "Don't show welcome screen and run 2N® IP Mobile at next start instead" to deactivate this screen for future system startups. 


  • If you do not select the "Don't show welcome screen and run 2N® IP Mobile at next start instead" option on the welcome screen before quitting and then enable the 2N® IP Mobile launch after the system startup in the Launcher configuration, the application will not be started for technical reasons. Therefore, be sure to disable the welcome screen start to make 2N® IP Mobile run automatically after the system startup.

The table below shows the factory values of relevant device parameters:



IP address

will be assigned by the DHCP server

IP mask

will be assigned by the DHCP server

IP gateway

will be assigned by the DHCP server

Access password to configuration


Administrator password2n

Time/weather location

Prague, CZ

Stand-by switching time

1 minute

SW licence

Basic unlimited licence

(or according to the Part No.)


  • Change the access password while configuring the device for the first time to avoid unauthorised access to configuration!

System Licence

2N® Indoor Touch 2.0 has a factory licence key, which can be time-limited (depending on the Part No.). The licence expiry may cause a partial limitation of the device functionality! Refer to 3.3 Device Settings for the current licence state and licence adding procedure if necessary.