4.9 Rescue Activation and End

Rescue Process Activation

The rescue process is activated by setting parameter 966, which also determines when the release mode is terminated. If an alarm call is set up, the yellow LED will keep shining on the audio unit after the call end to indicate an active rescue process.

Rescue Process End

The method of termination of the release process is set by parameter 966. The release process can be terminated in two ways:

  • Call 2N® Lift8  (for administration – 2 for rescue end – select the shaft – enter the password- press *).
  • Set the IO module input (via 2N® Service Tool – IO modules – create the "rescue end" action and assign it to one of the IO modules).

When the rescue process has been ended, the active audio unit will report: "Rescue process ended".

Event after Rescue Process End

When the rescue process has been completed, any of the following events can be executed:

  • IO module output activation
  • IO module output deactivation
  • Send SMS – set the phone number and text (for the GSM/UMTS module only)
  • Send system SMS – set the phone number (for the GSM/UMTS module only)
  • Operational call – this call is set up to the number defined in parameters 081–088 (Operational call) and uses CPC Antenna, CPC KONE or P100 for transmissions

Use the 2N® Service Tool Events menu (Rescue end) for configuration.


  • Multiple events can be set up (output activation + operational call, e.g.).
  • SMS can be sent only if the GSM/UMTS module is installed.
  • If you set the operational call option and CPC/P100 2N ext confirmation, the audio unit type (cabin 1 or 2) and shaft number is displayed for the rescue process (if the call is received via the 2N® Lift8 server).

Parameter 990

In versions 2.5.0 and higher, you can set the operational call (rescue end) via parameter 990. Refer to Subs. 3.2 (Table of Parameters) for details.


  • If you set the operational call via parameter 990 and Events menu (script), the call will be set up twice.