4.1.5 Events
The Events folder displays the last 500 events recorded by the device. Every event includes the capturing time and date, event type and a detailed description. Use the pop-up menu above the event record to filter the events by the type.
- the button helps you export all the logged events into a CSV file. –
Event | Meaning |
AudioLoopTest | Audio test result. |
CallSessionStateChanged | Provides information on the current call phase (creation, connecting, ringing, connected, terminated). |
CallStateChanged | Indicates a call state change (ringing, connected, terminated) including call direction (incoming, outgoing) and counterparty identification. |
CapabilitiesChanged | Change of the list of available functions. |
ConfigurationChanged | Device configuration change. |
DeviceState | Device state indication, e.g. device booting. |
DirectoryChanged | Change in the directory. |
DirectorySaved | Change saved in the directory. |
DtmfEntered | DTMF code received during a call. |
ErrorStateChanged | Device error state. |
ExternalCameraStateChanged | External IP camera state. |
HardwareChanged | Change of extending module connection. |
CheckingCall | Checking call state. |
InputChanged | Logic input change. |
KeyPressed | Key pressing event. |
KeyReleased | Key releasing event. |
LoginBlocked | Entering of 3 wrong logins to the device web. Contains information on the login IP address. |
OutputChanged | Logic output change. |
RegistrationStateChanged | Change of the SIP Proxy registration state. |
RescueStateChange | Rescue mode state change. |