4.1.5 Events

The Events folder displays the last 500 events recorded by the device. Every event includes the capturing time and date, event type and a detailed description. Use the pop-up menu above the event record to filter the events by the type.

  •  – the button helps you export all the logged events into a CSV file.
AudioLoopTestAudio test result.
CallSessionStateChangedProvides information on the current call phase (creation, connecting, ringing, connected, terminated).
CallStateChangedIndicates a call state change (ringing, connected, terminated) including call direction (incoming, outgoing) and counterparty identification.
CapabilitiesChangedChange of the list of available functions.
ConfigurationChangedDevice configuration change.
DeviceStateDevice state indication, e.g. device booting.
DirectoryChangedChange in the directory.
DirectorySavedChange saved in the directory.
DtmfEnteredDTMF code received during a call.
ErrorStateChangedDevice error state.
ExternalCameraStateChangedExternal IP camera state.
HardwareChangedChange of extending module connection.
CheckingCallChecking call state.
InputChangedLogic input change.
KeyPressedKey pressing event.
KeyReleasedKey releasing event.

Entering of 3 wrong logins to the device web. Contains information on the login IP address.

OutputChangedLogic output change.
RegistrationStateChangedChange of the SIP Proxy registration state.
RescueStateChangeRescue mode state change.