4.3.5 Operational Call


  • The Notifications block was cancelled in version 2.44.

Operational Call is used for automatic setup of an operational call if one of the preset events occurs. In this section, the destination is set to which the operational call will be routed. The call is set up via Automation, refer to  4.4.3. Automation. The operational call activates the StartLiftCall action with the CallType parameter = operational. The action is triggered whenever the event to which the action is linked occurs:

    • RescueTerminated for operational call setup at rescue mode termination.
    • ErrorStateChanged for operational call setup at button error/fixed or audio error/fixed. The errror state type is defined by the event parameters.

  • 1–2select the user to which the connection will be directed.
  • Repetition Count set the count of calling cycles if a call is not confirmed.