Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.


Features in version 1.6.0:

  •  Bluetooth Bluetooth support - configuration and management of Bluetooth access credentials directly from 2N® Access Commander
  • Forced change of default password - admin is forced to change the default password after the first login
  • Automatically generated login password for newly created users
  • Access Commander will automatically generate new secure password for connected devices
  • Time restricted access rights - specification when access right of a user starts and when ends (set "Valid from" and "Valid to" parameters)
  •  Preconfigured Preconfigured default SMTP server (it is recommended to use your own server that you have under a control!)


  • Major visual improvements iTime profiles and Attendance module
  • Date picker - easier way how to set or selecet specific date (e.g. filter in logs)
  • 2N® Helios IP Base is supported by 2N® Access Commander
  •  Possibility Possibility to change "Device name" during the adding process from Scanner or re-write the name on Device detail
  • Changed format of "Time" and "Balance" in user´s Attendance (format is now hh:mm)
  • Improvements in LDAP (connection to Active Directory)
