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Komentář: 2N® Access Commander version 3.0


titleUpdate information

If you are running 2N® Access Commander version 1.9.1 or older, proceed please to this section for further details.

2N® Access Commander version 3.0 (production February 2024)

2N® Access Commander version 3.0 introduces a brand new look and feel. While the look has changed, it's the same trusted Access Commander, now more user-friendly, simplified and intuitive.

Changelog 3.0

New interface

New improvements

Mobile friendly visitor enrolment

Russian language support has been removed from Access Commander 3.0

Access Commander 3.0 includes the ability to toggle back to the old interface. It's worth noting that starting from version 3.1, only the new interface will be available, and the old interface will no longer be supported.

Supported device firmware version:

* 2N IP intercoms from 2.38.x to 2.42.x
* 2N Access Unit from 2.38.x to 2.42.x
* 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)


In May 2023 we announced that the old APIv2 will be retired in place of a more advanced APIv3 and gave a transition period of one year where the two versions run side by side. From Access Commander 3.1 (Q2 2024) APIv2 will be no longer supported, and will be removed completely from Access Commander 3.2 (Q3 2024). 
If you are using Access Commander with a third-party integration, please ensure that this integration is compatible with APIv3 soon to avoid loss of functionality in future versions.
For more information on Access Commander's API see the documentation in the online manual
* Russian language support has been removed from Access Commander 3.0

API changes

* [APIv2 Change log](https://www.2n.com/documents/22902/74426/APIv2+change+log+-+2N%C2%AE+Access+Commander+3.0.md/94202e31-ba91-4b16-9679-a4474581b2a9)
* [APIv3 Change log](https://www.2n.com/documents/22902/74426/APIv3+change+log+-+2N%C2%AE+Access+Commander+3.0.md/d3581281-c2e2-4115-a86a-c64d85d4210f)


2N® Access Commander version 2.7.1 (production November 2023)

2N® Access Commander version 2.7.1 supports new version of firmware, that will be released.

Changelog 2.7.1

Supported device firmware version:

  • 2N IP Intercoms from 2.36.x to 2.42.x
  • 2N Access Unit from 2.36.x to 2.42.x


2N® Access Commander version 2.7 (beta August 2023, production August 2023)


  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)


2N® Access Commander version 2.6.1 (June 2023)
