Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.

version 1.7.0
version 1.7.0
Changelog 1.7.0

Features in version 1.7.0:

  • Cam logs - 8 snapshot pictures for selected events in access or system logs
  • Full support USB Bluetooth dongle - another way how create BT access for users
  • One common PIN for all zone - one access PIN for complete zone
  • Export access logs - export all or selected access logs to CSV
  • Export emloyees attendance - export multi select emloyees attendance to CSV 
  • Page sorting users - page sorting 15,50,100 user per page
  • Group notification - one preselected notification group for main monitoring of devices, UX updated
  • Import users from Helios IP - import users to ACom from select Helios devices

Improvements in version 1.7.0:

  • Optimizing Dasboard - faster loading than before
  • Attendance time intervals - updated inputs and outputs
  • Device password - improvement devices password behavior
  • Back-up devices - UX updated
  • Linux password - force change default password for better security
  • Possibility to display hide Tutorial
  • Fix more than 20 small bugs 

version 1.6.1
version 1.6.1
Changelog 1.6.1
