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titleUpdate information

If you are running 2N® Access Commander version 1.9.1 or older, proceed please to this section for further details.

Changelog 2.1

2N® Access Commander version 2.1 (Beta August 2021 - Production September 2021)

2N® Access Commander 2.1 introduces powerful new features aimed at user management and controlling the flow of people.

New Features:

  • Occupancy Management
  • In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, managing the density of staff or visitors in different areas has become increasingly important to ensure their safety. The Occupancy Management feature in Access Commander empowers building admins with the ability to control occupancy in a flexible way.
    • Creation of new ‘Area restrictions’ section to accommodate Anti Pass-bask and Occupancy management.
    • Occupancy thresholds may be set for each area
    • Enforcement may be set to either deny access after threshold is reached, or just to log the event
    • New ‘Occupancy’ dashboard widget available
    • New ‘Occupancy limit reached’ notification added
  • Visitor management
  • Manage visitors more easily than ever before with this dedicated new section focused on visitor management. Issue credentials before they arrive for ‘self-serve’ access and easily track users who failed to return their access cards.
    • New section for enrolling visitors
    • PIN codes and License Plate numbers may now be attributed as credentials to allow access
    • PIN codes may be sent by customizable email directly to the visitor, prior to their visit
    • Unreturned cards are easily visible
    • New ‘Visitors’ dashboard widget available
  • Access point support
  • The introduction of ‘Access Points’ allows for more flexible access management. It enables more accurate monitoring of the flow of users between zones, and differing multi-factor authentication requirements between zones, where a single device is used to control movement through a door in both directions.
    • Admin may chose between using ‘devices’ or ‘Access Points’ (for installations where a single device controls movement through a door in both directions)
    • Access points may be assigned to zones, in place of devices
    • Access point labels introduced in device detail pages, zone ‘devices’ tab and access logs
    • A single access point may be blocked (for Occupancy Management), rather than the whole device
    • Please note that there are corresponding changes in the labelling of entry points, which are now called ‘Access Point 1’ and ‘Access Point 2’, rather than ‘Entry’ and ‘Exit’
  • Support of groups in LDAP sync
  • Where an LDAP compliant directory is used for user synchronization, the user’s groups may also be synchronized, making the management of users via such a directory even more streamlined and effective.
    • Users may be syncronised and automatically placed into the corresponding groups in Access Commander (provided they have been set up)
    • Group specific base DN option introduced
    • Nested groups supported


  • Notes may now be saved for each user or visitor
  • Support added for IP Style
  • License plate number supported in CSV synchronization
  • Message added for LDAP users to show why they can’t change UN/PW in Access Commander
  • Paging, search and filtering optimisations to improve system performance


  • Standard user can no longer see navigation menu collapse icon
  • Wrong user icon in attendance log
  • Anti pass-back failure alert corrected
  • Access log sorting by groups/zones respected beyond 1st page
  • SignalR Connection drop in Chrome after 5 minutes fixed

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.33.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.33.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.31.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.31.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 2.0

2N® Access Commander 2.0 is a major new release which brings great changes to the user interface, as well as powerful new features and improvements. Along with these changes, the license model of Access Commander has also been changed. All users with existing licenses will be migrated to the appropriate new license automatically and free of charge, ensuring you continue to benefit from the same functionality.
