Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.


titleUpdate information

If you are running 2N® Access Commander version 1.9.1 or older, proceed please to this section for further details.

Changelog 2.3.1

Please note that this version is a minor release, further to the release of version 2.3 in April. It focusses on corrections and introduces no new features.


  • System admin reverted to state where it does not consume any manager licenses
  • Attendance management authorizations will be removed from users where an installation without the attendance management license is updated to a new version.
  • Presence of a user is updated in presence list without need for page refresh
  • Corrected timestamps of attendance records when exported to CSV

Changelog 2.3 

2N® Access Commander version 2.3 introduces a new access matrix for quick setup and audit of access permissions, allows backup and restore to be managed from the web GUI and introduces new user authorization settings for increased flexibility.
