3.2 Element Bind

Element Bind sends applications to XML bridge to connect the unconnected channel to the remote system.


To XML bridge



Type of communication interface. Admissible values are:

- “TCP” – TCP/IP network protocol

- “UART” – serial port

- “MODEM” – telephone modem

- “LOCAL” – direct TCP connection to PBX


Address of the remote system. The format depends on the selected connection type:

- fully qualified domain name or IP address for “IP”-type connection, optionally port. Port number is separated by a colon from the address;

- name of the serial port, e.g.: “COM1”;

- telephone number of the remote system and name of the modem. The modem name is separate by a space from the telephone number. The telephone number must therefore be written without spaces.


Name of the application that makes the connection (not required).

 HeartBeatEnables/Disables ping-pong mechanism between client and server (optional). Vlues are "ENABLE" or "DISABLE". If IE is not present, then by default is set to ENABLE. For direct connection to PBX by TCP/IP is Heartbeat unused.
 HeartBeatIntervalInterval of ping-pong mechanism between client and server (optional). Entry is in miliseconds and if no value is entered, then by default this value is 2500 ms. For direct connection to PBX via TCP/IP is Hearbeat unused.

Element body



<bind ConnType="TCP" Address="" AppName="Operator"/>

<bind ConnType="SERIAL" Address="COM1" AppName="Console"/>

<bind ConnType="MODEM" Address="212345678 GVC" AppName="NsAdmin"/>

<bind ConnType="LOCAL" AppName="NsCtiTest"/>

XML bridge responds:


From XML bridge



“OK” or error code


Not required attribute that includes, if the connection is successful, additional information on the connection made, such as speed of the transmission channel.

Element body



<bind Status="OK"/>

<bind Status="ALREADY_BOUND"/>

<bind Status="OK" ConnInfo="CONNECTED 9600"/>


<bind Status="BUSY"/>