Description | Request for dialing a queued call-leg. The call-leg must be in the QUEUED status. NetStar SW will try to call the object where the call-leg is queued. If the call fails it will be put back to the queue. It is used in the case of operators. The operator has set that after ending a call she should not accept the next one in the queue but wait a little. In this time interval she can decide which call from the queue she will accept. | |
Direction | To XML bridge | |
Sub-elements | CTI_IE_CALL_ID | Call-leg, which is to be dialed. |
CTI_IE_REFERENCE 1 | User information element. | |
Example | <msg Id="CTI_PROCEED_QUEUED_REQ"> <CTI_IE_CALL_ID Id=”0”> <CTI_IE_REFERENCE Ref=”23”> </msg> | |
1 Not required IE |