2.3 SMPP


The Short Message Peer-to-peer Protocol is a network protocol designed for SMS transmission. It is primarily used for bulk transmission between the provider's SMS centre and the client (called ESME – External Short Message Entity).

The 2N® NetStar SW telecommunications system works in the ESME mode. It can send and receive SMS from the server (SMSC) and route the received messages according to the configured routing rules.

Stack status

The upper menu field displays information on the stack (communication protocol) type, connection state and current port status.

  • Connection state 
    • Idle
    • Error
    • Connecting...
    • Logging...
    • Logged in
    • Login failed
  • Last state
    • O.K.
    • Disconnected
    • SMPP error by login (Invalid response)
    • SMPPNACK error
    • Response timeout
    • Invalid password
    • Invalid username

Figure: View of SMPP Configuration

  • Connection type – select one of the following modes: 
    • Transciever – the port receives and sends SMS messages.
    • Receiver – the port is connected to the server waiting for SMS messages. The attempt to send an SMS to the server is rejected by the system.
    • Transmitter –  the port only sends SMS messages to the server. The connection state is Idle and login occurs when an SMS is to be sent.
  • Server address – set the IP address of the server (SMSC) to which the client shall connect. You can use the server domain name too for a DNS server.
  • Port – set the number of the port to be used for server communication.
  • User name – set the user name for server communication authentication. The maximum length is 15 characters (limited by the SMPP standard).
  • Password – set the user password. The maximum length is 8 characters (limited by the SMPP standard).
  • Address range – specify the range of addresses of potential addressees, used optionally by the server for SMS sending. 
  • System type – specify the type of client if the server connection requires so (optional parameter).