2N® NetStar Billing Data

A billing line is an ASCII character string of variable length, with each line ending in CR LF (or optionally, LF in LINUX). A billing line is divided into sections by colons ‘:’ and individual parts of each section are divided by ‘-’. Missing data may be found by finding the respective position of ‘-’ or ‘:’, which remains even if the data are missing.

The billing line is divided into the following sections: record identification : date and time : caller A : caller B : status : billing data

Billing line example

The importance of individual sections is described in the following chapters :

Record Identification

The record identification contains two numbers: I-C

I – represents an unambiguous number of line record (32-bit number), used to store the REFERENCE item from the billing record. The entry is used for the clear identification of a billing line.

C – call reference; used for matching multiple lines related to a single call; an unambiguous number generated upon call initiation. For example, when calling a group, an n number of lines for each extension within the group will be generated, with the number being identical for all of these lines.

Date and time

This section has following format: day.month.year – hour.min.sec

day.month.year – represents the date entered at the end of the billing line, i.e. the charging date.

hour.min.sec – represents the time of call termination; the time of call initiation may be obtained by subtracting the ringing time and the call time from this number (and/or date).


There are two callers in every call, A and B. The call may either be placed through a port or a DISA-type service. The first letter in the section determines the type of caller. There are several caller types, always distinguishing between an incoming and outgoing call. It might seem that caller A is always incoming and caller B always incoming, but this is not always so, especially due to call switching. Let us imagine the following situation: an operator calls an outside number, speaks for a while, then dials another outside number and puts them through together. Both callers still have to be charged as outgoing calls. The called to be charged for the call must be determined by the billing software.

O – caller is an outgoing call on a port.

I – caller is an incoming call on a port.

S – caller is a service.

D – caller is a DISA.

C – caller is a 2N® Contact Centre Solution.

U – caller unknown; this letter should never appear.

Call on port

In case of a call on port, the section format is following: O[oIi] – A[N]port – realclip – user – CLIP – CPN

port – ID of port through which the call was made; the letter before the port indicate whether the port has been accounted or not. Therefore, A means Accounted and N means Not Accounted.
realclip – real caller identification.
user – name of user placing the call.
CLIP – caller identification; in case of an incoming call, a number which arrives in the port; in case of an outgoing call, a number sent to the port as an ID. This parameter contains the user CLI from NetStar version 3.0.0 (if call is routed from or to one of the user's extension).
CPN – caller identification; in case of an incoming call, a number actually dialed by the caller; in case of an outgoing call, a number sent to the port as the target destination.


In case of a call to service, the section format is following: S – service identifier – service parameter

Each service is identified by a 4-letter identifier and has its own parameter. A service parameter is a number generated for the service. The meaning of each number is explained in the 2N® NetStar service manual. The following 4-letter service identifiers have been defined:

FWUN – forward user – unconditional

FCUN – cancel user forwarding – unconditional

FWBU – forward user – busy

FCBU – cancel user forwarding – busy

FWNA – forward user – no answer

FCNA – cancel user forwarding – no answer

FCAL – cancel all user forwarding

ASST – take over from extension

ASUS – take over from user

ASGR – take over from group

ASMG – take over from my group

ALRM – alarm

ALCN – cancel alarm


UREN - ring at call to user

URDI – do not ring at call to user

STLI – extension login

STLO – extension logout

STLG – extension login as guest

UCHP – change PIN

PRMS – private call from my extension

PRCL – private call

CTOR – call to order

PARK – park

UPRK – unpark

CFCD – create conference on demand

BSLI – bundle extension login

BSLO – bundle extension logout

BULI – bundle user login

BULO – bundle user login

ACLI – ACD group login

ACLO – ACD group logout

AGLI – all ACD groups login

AGLO – all ACD groups logout

VMSU – forward user to voicemail – unconditional

VMRU – cancel user forwarding to voicemail – unconditional

VMSB – forward user to voicemail – busy

VMRB – cancel user  forwarding to voicemail – busy

VMSN – forward user to voicemail – no answer

VMRN – cancel user  forwarding to voicemail – no answer

VMRA – cancel all user forwarding to voicemail

VMGR – record voicemail greeting

VMGD – delete voicemail greeting

VMGP – play voicemail greeting

CTOC – connect to call

ACPF – activate profile

DCPF - deaktivate profile

SUPR – set presence

STIM – set time

SDAT – set date

PRGR – record progress

PRGP – play progress

PRGD – restore default progress

CFAC – add to conference

CFRO – call to conference room

CLRE – enable CLIR

CLRD – disable CLIR

VMEN – voicemail entry

VMEA – authorized voicemail entry

SWRS – set switch router

SWRG – get switch router

EALR – emergency alarm

EALC – cancel emergency alarm

REUS – user reservation

CBIN – internal callback

LEXP – license expired

EMMO – emergency mode

RBST – ring back to extension

RBNU – ring back to user


In case of a call to DISA, the section format is following: D – DISA id – number dialed in DISA

2N® Contact Centre Solution

In case of a call to CCS, the section format is following: C – CCS id – dialed number


The following call statuses are relevant:


N – The call was dispatched in the usual manner: i.e., caller A picked up the phone and dialed caller B’s number. In such case, caller A has an outgoing call and caller B has an incoming call.


F – C[I]r – In case of a forwarded call it is necessary to know the reference line from which it has been forwarded. Reference r is used for this purpose. In case there is a letter I before the reference, it refers to the call; the letter C refers to the billing line.


T – C[I]r – C[I]r – In case of a switched call, two references are required, with the same meaning as in the case of a forwarded call.


M – indicates a message (SMS or email).

Billing data

The last section of billing line contains following: ringing time – call time – tariff impulses – private – order – cause
ringing time – duration of ringing until call was accepted.

call time – call duration in seconds; 0 indicates that the call has not taken place, i.e. has been recorded as unaccepted.

tariff impulses – number of tariff or pseudo-tariff impulses during a call (or during ring tone as well in case of simulated ringing through DISA).

private – calls identified as private are marked P; all other calls are marked N.

order – an entry used to break down each line into individual orders, projects, etc. Before, during or after the call, the service will allow to identify the order to which the call should be charged. For example, Cornet phones will allow to select an order from an Order List in the phone menu.

cause – cause of call termination; a number from 0 to 255 (1 byte) which identifies the cause of call termination in accordance with standards ITU Q850 and ETSI 300.102.

Code meanings:

0 – NONE – Internal auxiliary cause.

1 – ANY_OTHER – Internal auxiliary cause.

2 – NORMAL_CALL_CLEARING – The call was terminated normally, the user hung up.

3 – USER_BUSY – The called user is busy.

4 – USER_NOT_RESPONDING – The called user fails to answer (the ringing timeout has elapsed)

5 – CALL_REJECT – The call was rejected by the user.

6 – UNSELECTED_USER_CLEARING – Multiple user calling; one user answered and the others are ended with this cause.

7 – DESTINATION_UNKNOWN – The destination is not known (unknown routing).

8 – DESTINATION_INVALID – The destination is invalid (wrong number/url format).

9 – DESTINATION_INCOMPATIBLE – The destination is incompatible (no codec match, url message sent to incompatible GSM).

10 – DESTINATION_DISABLED – The destination is disabled.

11 – DESTINATION_FORWARDED – The destination has been forwarded.

12 – NO_FREE_CIRCUIT_LOCAL – The local network is busy.

13 – NO_FREE_CIRCUIT_REMOTE – The remote network is busy.

14 – PROTOCOL_ERROR – Unspecified protocol stack error.

15 – NO_DIAL_TONE – No dial tone has been detected.

16 – INVALID_STATE – Invalid connection state for this operation.

17 – NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER – The destination is out of order temporarily.

18 – NO_CREDIT – The credit is insufficient for the call.

19 – MONITOR_NOT_READY – The call cannot be monitored.

20 – USER_IN_DND_MODE – The user is in the DND mode.

21 – USER_00 – User cause 00

22 – USER_01 – User cause 01

23 – USER_02 – User cause 02

24 – USER_03 – User cause 03

25 – USER_04 – User cause 04

26 – USER_05 – User cause 05

27 – USER_06 – User cause 06

28 – USER_07 – User cause 07

29 – USER_08 – User cause 08

30 – USER_09 – User cause 09

31 – USER_10 – User cause 10

32 – USER_11 – User cause 11

33 – USER_12 – User cause 12

34 – USER_13 – User cause 13

35 – USER_14 – User cause 14

36 – USER_15 – User cause 15