4.4.4 Device Backup and Restore

  • Backup state – display the backup state. If a backup is available, the last backup date and time are displayed. 
  • Restore state – display the last restore from backup.
  • Run device backup – start the device configuration backup.
  • Download backup – download the xml configuration file to the disk. This XML file can be loaded to the intercom directly.
  • Device replacement
    • Device replacement helps you quickly substitute a defective device for another keeping the original configuration. 

      1. Go to the Devices card.
      2. Select the device to be replaced. Make sure that the device is inactive.
      3. Select Device replacement in the Backup and restore menu.
      4. Select a device to replace the existing one (select only such device that is not added to Access Commander and that is installed in the same LAN as Access Commander).
      5. Fill in Login and Password.
      6. If no configuration backup was made for the original device, configure the new device manually. If a configuration backup was made for the original device, this backup will be used for the new device after replacement. 
      7. Click Substitute to replace the device and upload the device backup if available to the new device.