5.1.1 Gateway Control
Gateway control helps you:
- Monitor the current state of each GSM gateway parts;
- Check and set the GSM gateway licence;
- View and save the LOG file and CDR.
Firmware / Licence
Use this window to display information on the gateway licence status, firmware and bootware versions and Ethernet interface MAC address. Use the web interface to download a new licence via Management / Licence.
- Firmware version – displays the current firmware version for the GSM gateway connected.
- Bootware version – displays the current bootware version for the GSM gateway connected.
- MAC address – shows the MAC address of the GSM gateway Ethernet interface.
- CPU serial number – shows the GSM gateway serial number in the M203–xxxxxxxxxx.bin format.
- Active – protocols allowed by the licence:
- SIP – SIP support;
- MExx – Mobility Extension support, where 'xx' means the maximum count of users;
- G729 – G.729ab voice codec support;
- DSS1 – ISDN BRI DSS1 protocol support;
- TUN – GSM–CSD remote supervision support.
- SMSU – count of SMS users.
- SMSS – SMPP support.
- SMSE – SMS@email support.
- SMSW – SMS via web support.
- SNMP – SNMP monitoring support.
- Gateway limitation – displays the gateway operation limit (or licence limitation).
- Licence status – displays the current licence status (unlocked/locked).
- When the licence code expires, the licence–based protocols will be locked!
- Networks – displays the list of allowed/disallowed GSM/UMTS networks.
- Upon the dealer's request, the gateway may be locked against certain types of GSM/UMTS networks. This state is signalled by a red LED Ch 1/Ch 2 and a 'netw–err' cause in the GSM module diagnostic window.
Contact your dealer please for more information.
- Licence key for gateway – helps you insert a new GSM gateway connection licence.
- By inserting a new licence code you restart the GSM gateway and discontinue all the currently made calls!
Date / Time
Use this window to set the current date and time for your gateway. Tick Synchronise with local PC to set the time a date items automatically according to your PC data.
- The internal power source keeps the internal clock source running for a few hours only! Therefore, check the current gateway date and time after long BRI gateway disconnection!
Voice Messages
This window is used for recording, checking and downloading voice messages. Supported format is PCM–Alaw, Mono, 8000 Hz, 8 bits.
Index | Type of message | Use | Max. length(s) |
0 | DISA message | Inc. calls from GSM/UMTS | 64 |
1 | ME"Hallo" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
2 | ME"Mobility extension" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
3 | ME"Please dial number" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
4 | ME"Text message" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
5 | ME"Activated" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
6 | ME"Deactivated" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
7 | ME"beeep" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
8 | ME"be,be,be" | Mobility Extension calls | 4 |
21 | GSM outgoing group 1 | Calls via Out. GSM group 1 | 8 |
22 | GSM outgoing group 2 | Calls via Out. GSM group 2 | 8 |
23 | GSM outgoing group 3 | Calls via Out. GSM group 3 | 8 |
24 | GSM outgoing group 4 | Calls via Out. GSM group 4 | 8 |
25 | GSM outgoing group 5 | Calls via Out. GSM group 5 | 8 |
26 | GSM outgoing group 6 | Calls via Out. GSM group 6 | 8 |
27 | GSM outgoing group 7 | Calls via Out. GSM group 7 | 8 |
28 | GSM outgoing group 8 | Calls via Out. GSM group 8 | 8 |
30 | Message 30 | Voice message detector | 8 |
31 | Message 31 | Voice message detector | 8 |
32 | Message 32 | Voice message detector | 8 |
33 | Message 33 | Voice message detector | 8 |
34 | Message 34 | Voice message detector | 8 |
35 | Message 35 | Voice message detector | 8 |
36 | Message 36 | Voice message detector | 8 |
37 | Message 37 | Voice message detector | 8 |
You can choose which message will be uploaded or use detection by file name. Detection requires file name: "mess[index of message][optional remark].wav". You can upload more than one message in .tar file.
- Voice messages with indexes 30 – 37 are used for detection of the mobile provider's voice message played before call connection. If a match is found of the voice message with any of the voice messages recorded in the gateway, the call is terminated automatically or established via the last GSM outgoing group set in the LCR table (on condition that the ITD – Ignore tone detection in last group parameter is active) in the Gateway Configuration / LCR table section. Refer to the Gateway Configuration / GSM basic parameters / Voice message detector settings for details.
LOG file
The LOG file helps you read out the gateway LOG file. There are LOG file saving and LOG listing updating icons in the lower part of the window.
Refer to Subs.7, page for details on LOG records.
CDR File
The CDR file window helps read out the Call Data Records (CDR) of the gateway. The bottom part of the window includes icons for saving the CDR into a file and refreshing the CDR listing in the web window. Refer to Subs. CDR line description for more details on the CDR format.
- The maximum capacity is 100,000 call records. When this limit is reached, the oldest record(s) will be deleted automatically!
- The latest 1,000 call records are displayed in the web interface.
- Downloading of a high amount of CDR may take up to several tens of seconds.
SDR File
The SDR file window helps read out the SMS Data Records (SDR) of the gateway. The bottom part of the window includes icons for saving the SDR into a file and refreshing the SDR listing in the web window. Refer to Subs 6.7. SDR line description for more details on the SDR format.
- The maximum capacity is 100,000 SMS records. When this limit is reached, the oldest record(s) will be deleted automatically!
- The latest 1,000 SMS records are displayed in the web interface.
- Downloading of a high amount of SDR may take up to several tens of seconds.
Module status
The window displays the current status of each GSM/UMTS channel. Refer to Subs. 6.4, page for more details.
Module control
The window helps you control the selected GSM/UMTS module manually.
The window displays the current statistic data on calls. There are LOG file saving and LOG listing updating icons in the lower part of the window. Refer to Subs. 6.8, page for the statistic data format details.
Current call info
The window displays the currently made calls. There are LOG file saving and listing updating icons in the lower part of the window.
Connection state
The window shows the state of all available configuration sessions. There are LOG file saving and listing updating icons in the lower part of the window.
AutoCLIP routing table
The window displays the current state of the AutoCLIP table. There are LOG file saving and listing updating icons in the lower part of the window.
- The maximum AutoCLIP routing table capacity is 256 records.
SIP registration
The window displays the current state of the gateway SIP registration.
ISDN lines
The window shows the state of each ISDN BRI interface of the gateway.
Online report
The window provides online GSM gateway tracing.