3.2 Table of Parameters
All programmable parameters are listed in this section. Each parameter is accompanied with the unit used, function number (if available) for phone line programming, 2N® EasyGate behavior description, setting options, setting step and default (initialization) value.
Numeric parameters must be set in the unit listed in the parameter description. For parameters with different setting, the values are defined in the parameter description (for phone line programming in parentheses). When phone line programming is used, the
character cannot be included in the string, because it is dedicated to confirmation of the new parameter value.FXS Telephone Interface Parameters
Dialing Parameters
Type of dialing (Function No. 100)
Select the dialing type to be received by 2N® EasyGate on the FXS interface. 2N® EasyGate accepts only the selected type of dialing, ignoring the others.
Setting options:
DTMF (0) – 2N® EasyGate receives tone dialing only.
Pulse (1) – 2N® EasyGate receives pulse dialing only
Default setting: DTMF
Time to dial [s] (Function No. 101)
Timeout during which 2N® EasyGate waits for further digits to be dialed. It starts to establish connection when this timeout passes.
Setting options: 1–255 s
Setting step: 1 s
Default setting: 5 s
Minimum On Hook [ms] (Function No. 102)
The minimum line current break that 2N® EasyGate evaluates as hang-up.
Setting options: 100–25500 ms
Setting step: 100 ms
Default setting: 500 ms
DTMF during call (Function No. 107)
When DTMF is transmitted via a GSM voice channel, a problem can occur with transmission quality, because GSM compression can damage the signal. You can set digital transmission mode, then 2N® SmartGate mutes the original DTMF signal from the telephone line and transmits digital DTMF in the signaling channel instead. This function cannot solve the problem when 2N® EasyGate receives DTMF, it influences the sending direction only and is active only if 2N® EasyGate originates the call.
Setting options: Analog – DTMF transmission through voice channel without change (0)
Digital – DTMF is muted in voice channel and transmitted digitally (1)
Default setting: Analog
Beep after dialing end (Function No. 103)
Select a beep to signal the end of dialing (beginning of outgoing call establishing).
Setting options: YES (1) / NO (0)
Default setting: YES
Line reversal indication for call in progress (Function No. 110)
Select the call in progress signaling by the telephone line polarity reversal on the FXS interface. There is voltage of reversed polarity on the telephone line during the whole call.
Setting options: YES (1) / NO (0)
Default setting: NO
Tariff pulse when call starts/ends (Function No. 111)
Signaling of call start or end by tariff pulse.
Setting options:
None (0) – 2N® EasyGate does not send a tariff pulse to signal the call start/end.
Call end (1) – 2N® EasyGate sends a tariff pulse when the call ends.
Call start (2) – 2N® EasyGate sends a tariff pulse when the call starts.
Call start and end (3) – 2N® EasyGate sends a tariff pulse when the call starts and ends too.
Default setting: None
Tariff pulse frequency (Function No. 112)
Tariff pulse frequency setting.
Setting options:
16 kHz (0) – 2N® EasyGate transmits 16 kHz tariff pulses
12 kHz (1) – 2N® EasyGate transmits 12 kHz tariff pulses
Default setting: 16 kHz
Call progress signaling via CPC (Function No. 113)
Call end signaling setting via CPC – Calling Party Control. A short-time current interruption with a phone loop for call end signaling.
Setting options: Off (0)
On (1)
Default setting: Off
Tone Settings
Dial tone – Double frequency tone [Hz] (Function No. –)
The parameter can be set for all the three tone types (Dial tone, Busy tone, Ringback tone). This parameter is intended for switching between the single tone and double tone settings. When the parameter is set, the other frequency of the appropriate tone must be set too. When this parameter is not set, frequency 2 is automatically set to the same value, which results in single tone generation. This parameter cannot be set using phone line programming. When phone line programming is used for a frequency change, both tones must be set (for single frequency to the same value).
Setting options: YES/NO
Default setting: NO
Dial tone – frequency 1 [Hz] (Function No. 120)
Setting of dial tone frequency 1. This tone is generated after Off-Hook in case 2N® EasyGate is ready to accept dialing.
Setting options: 1–3400 Hz
Setting step: 1 Hz
Default setting: 425 Hz
Dial tone – frequency 2[Hz] (Function No. 121)
Setting of dial tone frequency 2.
Setting options: 1–3400 Hz
Setting step: 1 Hz
Default setting: 425 Hz
Dial tone – cadence (Function No. 122)
Dial tone cadence setting.
Setting options:
Continuous (0) – 2N® EasyGate generates the continuous dial tone.
Morse A (1) – 2N® EasyGate generates the dial tone with 330/330/660/660 ms timing.
Default setting: Continuous
Busy tone – frequency 1 [Hz] (Function No. 123)
Setting of busy tone frequency 1.
Setting options: 1–3400 Hz
Setting step: 1 Hz
Default setting: 425 Hz
Busy tone – frequency 2 [Hz] (Function No. 124)
Setting of busy tone frequency 2.
Setting options: 1–3400 Hz
Setting step: 1 Hz
Default setting: 425 Hz
Busy tone – cadence (Function No. 125)
Busy tone cadence setting.
Setting options:
330/330 ms (0) – cadence 330 ms tone, 330 ms pause
200/200 ms (1) – cadence 200 ms tone, 200 ms pause
250/250 ms (2) – cadence 250 ms tone, 250 ms pause
375/375 ms (3) – cadence 375 ms tone, 375 ms pause
500/500 ms (4) – cadence 500 ms tone, 500 ms pause
Default setting: 330/330 ms
Ring back tone – frequency 1 [Hz] (Function No. 126)
Setting of ringback tone frequency 1. This tone is sent after dialing end before the GSM network starts to generate its own ringback tone.
Setting options: 1–3400 Hz
Setting step: 1 Hz
Default setting: 425 Hz
Ringback tone – frequency 2 [Hz] (Function No. 127)
Setting of ringback tone frequency 2.
Setting options: 1–3400 Hz
Setting step: 1 Hz
Default setting: 425 Hz
Ringback tone – cadence (Function No. 128)
Ringback tone cadence setting.
Setting options:
OFF (0) – not generated, only network tone
1000/4000 ms (1) – cadence 1 s tone, 4 s pause
400/200/400/2000 ms (2) – cadence 2x400 ms tone, 2 s pause
1500/3500 ms (3) – cadence 1.5 s tone, 3.5 s pause
2000/4000 ms (4) – cadence 2 s tone, 4 s pause
Default setting: OFF
Tone after disconnection (Function No. 129)
If the remote subscriber hangs up first, the 2N® EasyGate subscriber can hear the tone selected here.
Setting options:
Busy (0) – 2N® EasyGate transmits the busy tone upon call end.
Permanent (1) – 2N® EasyGate transmits the permanent tone upon call end.
Default setting: Busy tone
Transmission volume (Function No. 190)
Volume setting for GSM transmission with a 4dB step.
Setting options: 1–5
Setting step: 1
Default setting: 3 = medium volume level
Reception volume (Function No. 191)
Volume setting for GSM reception with a 4dB step.
Setting options: 1–5
Setting step: 1
Default setting: 3 = medium volume level
Ringing Signal Settings
Ringing signal – frequency [Hz] (Function No. 140)
Ringing signal frequency setting.
Setting options: 25 / 50 Hz - EasyGate rings with 50 or 25 Hz on FXS interface.
Default setting: 50 Hz
Ringing signal – cadence (Function No. 141)
Ringing signal cadency setting.
Setting options:
1000/4000 ms (0) – 1 s ring, 4 s pause
400/200/400/2000 ms (1) – 400 ms ring, 200 ms pause,
400 ms ring, 2 s pause1500/3500 ms (2) – 1.5 s ring, 3.5 s pause
2000/4000 ms (3) – 2 s ring, 4 s pause
Default setting: 1000/4000 ms
Ringing signal – cadence for data/fax (Function No. 142)
Ringing signal cadency setting for incoming fax call data.
The same setting as parameter 141.
CLI transmitting (Function No. 148)
Set this item to enable/disable identification of a telephone line calling from a GSM network. The function can be enabled if the device on your telephone line is capable of receiving FSK according to ETSI standards.
Setting options: Disable (0) – EasyGate does not transmit the CLI.
FSK during ringing (1) – EasyGate transmits the FSK-based CLI according to the ETSI EN 300 659 standard (transmission during ringing).
Default setting: Disable
Replace character + in CLI by (Function No. 149)
If this parameter is fulfilled, the + character in the international prefix of CLI is replaced by the defined string. The + character can neither be transmitted by the FSK protocol nor DTMF dialed from a terminal.
Setting options: 0–4 characters (0–9, *, #)
Default setting: blank
Automatic Call
BabyCall number (Function No. 180)
A number to be dialed for the automatic call function. If this item is blank, the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0–15 characters (0–9, *, #, +)
Default setting: blank
BabyCall timeout [s] (Function No. 181)
Time between line Off-Hook and automatic call beginning (if enabled). During this timeout, 2N® EasyGate waits for dialing that cancels the automatic call. You can make a standard call if the BabyCall function is enabled.
Setting options: 0–15 s
Setting step: 1 s
Default setting: 0 s
FXS Routing Parameters
All parameters related to the number dialed for an outgoing call are arranged in this table. According to the prefix you can:
- Bar the number to be dialed – the calling subscriber hears the busy tone.
- Accelerate connection establishing by knowing the number length for the given prefix.
- Accelerate connection establishing by allowing to terminate dialing with a #.
- Modify the number to be dialed by removing and/or adding digits.
- Set tariff metering for the given prefix.
- Set a time limit for the call.
Every table row includes a prefix (of variable length) plus parameters that define 2N® EasyGate's behavior in case the beginning of the dialed number matches this prefix. The table can contain up to 120 different prefixes.
There may be exceptions to the rule – a number may start with the same digits but has to be served in a different way. Any table row that starts with the same prefix followed by one or more digits is considered an exception of the row with a shorter prefix.
Remember to complete the "Other numbers" line for the number whose prefix is not included in the table.
An example in the figure below shows how to bar all international calls with the exception of calls to Slovakia including dialing acceleration by selecting the number length parameter and tariff setting (5 pulses after call connect and then one pulse every 10 seconds). All other calls are enabled and their tariff is one pulse every 30 seconds.
Routing Table
Operator for Integra (Function No. 405)
In some GSM networks you can add the # character and PBX subscriber number to the number dialed. The subscriber number is displayed on other side together with the CLI. This parameter takes place when the dialed number does not contain the # character.
Setting options: 0–8 characters (0–9)
Default setting: blank
- Configuration using phone line programming (DTMF) is applicable for 'Other prefixes' only.
Prefix (Function No. –)
A prefix identifying the call type (GSM, trunk call, free call, etc.). "Other numbers" is used for calls with prefixes that are not included in the table.
Setting options: 0–14 characters (0–9, *, #)
Default setting: blank
Call enable (Function No. 391)
This parameter allows/bars the calls with prefixes included on the same row.
Setting options: YES/NO
Default setting: YES
Number length (Function No. 393)
The parameter defines the expected length of a number with a prefix included on the same row. This enables you to start dialing into a GSM network immediately after the last digit is dialed. If the phone number to be dialed is shorter, the timeout is respected. The "0" setting means that the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0, 3 –15
Setting step: 1
Default setting: 0
End with # (Function No. 394)
This parameter enables you to establish a call when a # is received. The # character is removed from the dialed number. Should a # be part of the dialed number, this function cannot be used for the given prefix.
Setting options: YES (1) / NO (0)
Default setting: NO
Remove (Function No. 395)
The Remove parameter is used for automatic call routing. A defined count of digits (prefix) is removed from the number beginning.
Setting options: 0–20
Setting step: 1
Default setting: 0
Add (Function No. 396)
The Add parameter is used for automatic call routing. A defined string (prefix) is added to the beginning of the number to be dialed.
Setting options: 0–8 characters (0–9, *, #, +)
Default setting: blank
Extra tariff (Function No. 397)
Pseudo tariff metering setting (tariff is based on call duration). The Extra tariff parameter defines transmitting of a fixed quantity of tariff pulses after the call start. This parameter sets the minimum call cost.
Setting options: 0–255
Setting step: 1
Default setting: 0
Tariff [s] (Function No. 398)
Pseudo tariff metering setting (tariff is based on call duration). The Tariff parameter sets the call cost according to call duration. Set how often in seconds you want to transmit pulses. A smaller number means a more expensive call. Zero means not to transmit pulses according to call duration.
Setting options: 0–255 s
Setting step: 1 s
Default setting: 0 s
Time limit [min] (Function No. 399)
After the time elapses, the call connection is terminated immediately. You can hear a beep 30 s before the call end and beeps every second 10 s before the end. The "0" setting means that the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0–255 min
Setting step: 1 min
Default setting: 0 (disabled)
Bank No. (Function No. –)
Special function – for FW 1.5x and 3.5x only. Do not use this parameter and the 'Free minute bank' folder with detailed settings for standard 2N® EasyGate.
GSM, UMTS, LTE Routing Parameters
Incoming GSM calls contain the CLI. According to the received CLI 2N® EasyGate can do the following:
- Reject the call.
- Use the CallBack function – automatic call to the GSM subscriber.
- Automatic dial in. 2N® EasyGate dials the preprogrammed PBX subscriber number (switchboard operator, e.g.) to be connected with the calling GSM subscriber.
FXS line Off-Hook to DISA timeout [ms] (Function No. 500)
Timeout between FXS line Off-Hook and automatic dial in according to the "Dial in" parameter in the table.
Setting options: 100–25500 ms
Setting step: 100 ms
Default setting: 2000 ms
Max ring time for CallBack (Function No. 502)
The parameter sets up the CallBack behavior. There are 2 options for using CallBack on the FXS port:
Simple CallBack – set to 0. During an incoming call, the FXS port gives a ringing. When the FXS port is off-hooked, an incoming GSM call is rejected and after 10 s the gateway calls back the GSM number. During those 10 s the caller must hang up to be ready for answering the callback. On the FXS port a melody is played.
Advanced CallBack – set to 1–255. During an incoming call, the FXS port gives a ringing. To use the CallBack functionality, the caller must hang up before the parameter Max. ring time for CallBack runs out. The gateway then calls back immediately. If the call is answered on the analog side earlier, the called party hears the melody. If the call is answered on the GSM side first, then the calling party hears the melody. In order not to use the CallBack, the caller just does not hang up and the call is handled as a standard incoming call.
Setting options: 0–255 s
Setting step: 1 s
Default setting: 5 s
FAX from GSM route to (Function No. 509)
You can route an incoming GSM FAX call to the phone line FXS or to a serial line (PCFax). The parameter takes place only on models with ac FAX converter, otherwise the FAX calls are always routed to a serial line.
Setting options:
-FXS line – Incoming FAX call is routed to FAX machine on FXS line.
-COM – Incoming FAX call is routed to serial line.
Default setting: FXS line
DATA from GSM route to (Function No. 508)
You can route an incoming GSM DATA call to the telephone line FXS or to a serial line. The parameter takes place only on models with a FAX/DATA converter, otherwise the DATA calls are always routed to a serial line.
Setting options:
-FXS line – Incoming DATA call is routed to modem on FXS line.
-COM – Incoming DATA call is routed to COM.
Default setting: FXS line
- Configuration using phone line programming (DTMF) is applicable for 'Other prefixes' only.
CLI – calling number (Function No. –)
Fill in CLI to route the call according to the parameter on the same table row. It is possible to fill in only a prefix for a group of CLI's. If the parameter "Substring" = 0, you must fill in the prefix you see on your mobile phone display. It means inclusive of + and the international prefix if included. If "Substring" > 0, 2N® SmartGate UMTS searches the filled-in prefix as a substring of the received CLI, but at most to the position given by the "Substring" parameter. The positions are counted from zero. See examples in the "Substring" parameter hint.
Setting options: 0–16 characters (0–9, *, #, +)
Default setting: blank
Substring (Function No. –)
The parameter is used for making the completion of the CLI prefix easier. If the parameter "Substring" > 0, 2N® EasyGate searches the filled-in prefix as a substring of the received CLI, but at most to the position given by the "Substring" parameter. The positions are counted from zero.
For example: the received CLI +420603198222 corresponds with the following settings:
CLI – calling number | Substring |
+420603198222 | any setting |
+420603 | any setting |
+420 | any setting |
603198222 | 4 or more |
603 | 4 or more |
Setting options: 0–15
Step: 1
Default setting: 0
Route to (Function No. 591)
It is possible to route an incoming GSM call to the FXS interface or reject it. When a call is routed to the FXS port, you can use the CallBack feature. For correct functionality please set up the "Max. ring time for CallBack" parameter.
Setting options: FXS (0) – incoming call is routed to FXS.
FXS CallBack (2) – incoming call is routed to FXS with CallBack functionality.
Reject (4) – incoming call is rejected.
Default setting: FXS
Dial in (Function No. 592)
The parameter "Dial in" is used for automatic connection to the switchboard operator or directly to another subscriber. If this parameter is blank, the calling person has the telephone line fully at its disposal and has to dial the subscriber number by DTMF. You can fill in only the # character to disable the Integra function.
Setting options: 0–16 characters (0–9, *, #)
Default setting: blank
Time limit [min] (Function No. 599)
When the time elapses, the call connection is terminated immediately. You can hear a beep 30 s before the call end and beeps every second 10 s before the end. The "0" setting means that the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0–255 min
Setting step: 1 min
Default setting: 0 min
Free Minutes Bank
See subsection 4.6 for detailed description. This option can be used with Firmware 3.5x only.
SMS Sending Input Parameters
Telephone number for SMS (Function No. 600)
The telephone number to which an SMS is sent upon SMS input activation. If it is blank, the function is off.
Setting options: 0–16 characters (0–9, *, #, +)
Default setting: blank
SMS text (Function No. 603)
The SMS text to be sent to the preset telephone number. If the SMS text is blank, an empty SMS is sent.
Setting options: 0–40 characters
Default setting: blank
Send if activated longer than [ms] (Function No. 601)
Set the SMS activation time necessary for SMS sending. This parameter prevents SMS sending in the event of short-time activation. If a "0" is selected, SMS is sent immediately upon the input activation.
Setting options: 0–25500 ms
Setting step: 100 ms
Default setting: 0 ms
Timeout after sending [s] (Function No. 602)
Set the Time of inactivity after SMS sending. During this timeout, no SMS is sent even if the SMS input gets activated. This prevents sending multiple SMS units in the case of repeated activation of the input.
Setting options: 0–2550 s
Setting step: 10 s
Default setting: 0 s
GSM & SIM Parameters – SIM2 parameters – dual SIM version
Blocked for operator
For information only – not to be set. Provider blocking is set by the manufacturer in 2N® EasyGate. If 2N® EasyGate is blocked to the provider, no other mobile provider's SIM card can be used. If an unacceptable SIM card is used, the gateway does not register to the network and the LED network flashes quickly.
CLIR – incognito (Function No. 701) (SIM2-751)
Set the calling line identification restriction (CLIR) for outgoing calls from 2N® EasyGate. Warning: Before enabling be sure to have this feature activated by the GSM provider to avoid outgoing call rejection by the GSM network.
Setting options: – According to provider (0) – depending on how the function is selected in the GSM network.
– Activation (1) – ID is not sent.
– Suppression (2) – ID is always sent.
Default setting: According to provider
Minimum acceptable signal Function No.: 707 (SIM2-757)
On dual SIM gateway specify minimum acceptable signal. If current signal falls under this level, gateway will switch to opposite SIM. Setting options: -103 dBm -97 dBm -91 dBm -85 dBm Default setting: -103 dBm
Roaming enable/disable (Function No. 702) (SIM2-752)
You can make 2N® EasyGate work even if it is registered to a foreign GSM network.
Setting options: – Disable (0) – The GSM module logs out of a foreign network and attempts to register again in within 5 minutes.
– Enable (1) – 2N® EasyGate works in any GSM network.
Default setting: Disable
Call handover workaround (Function No. 703) (SIM2-753)
This parameter offers a workaround to prevent problems during call handover into the 1900 MHz (or 1800 MHz) band, caused by non-conforming configurations of the 1900 MHz (or 1800 MHz) GSM network.
Setting options: – Disable (0) – Disable workaround.
– Enable (1) – Enable workaround.
– Select only when handover into a 1800/1900 MHz band fails.
Default setting: Disable
APN setting Function No.: 706 (SIM2-756)
GPRS, UMTS, LTE or APN (Access Point Name) for automatic setting. The function number can be used for SMS programming only (if available) Setting options: 0-40 characters Default setting: blank
AMR enable (Function No. 704) (SIM2-754)
You can disable AMR (Adaptive Multi Rate) on the GSM module to improve voice quality in some GSM networks.
Setting options: – Enable (1)
– Disable (0)
Default setting: Enable
Wireless network selection (Function No. 705) (SIM2-755)
You can select the network connection technology, for UMTS gateways only.
Setting options: UMTS & GSM (0) – automatic selection, UMTS preferred
UMTS only (1)
GSM only (2)
Default setting: UMTS & GSM
Setting of SIM switching – dual SIM version only
SIM2 enable Function No.: 790
You can disable using off SIM2 on dual SIM gateway.
Setting options: Enable (0)
Disable (1)
Default setting: Enable
Return to SIM1 after Function No.: 791
Set time interval for SIM1 checking, if EasyGate is switched to SIM2 for reason of weak signal or some other issue. Select Off, if you want to switch back to SIM1 only if problem occurs on SIM2.
\n\nSetting options:\n-1 Hour\n-1 Day\n-Off\nDefault setting: 1 Hour
Setting options: 1 Hour (0)
1 Day (1)
Off (2)
Default setting: 1 Hour
Low Credit Checking with Prepaid SIM – SIM1 only
Time period for low credit checking [h] (Function No. 710)
Set the change time interval between credit checks. If your credit drops under the defined value, 2N® EasyGate sends a "LOW CREDIT" SMS. The "0" setting means that the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0–255 h
Step: 1 h
Default setting: 0
Code for credit checking (Function No. 711)
The prepaid SIM card credits are checked by a network function which displays a text message on the mobile phone display. The network function code must be terminated with the "#" symbol.
- Find out if you have to pay for this function. Every check can lower your credit.
Setting options: 0–8 characters (0–9, *, #, +)
Default setting: blank
Minimal credit (Function No. 712)
Set minimum credit value for sending a warning SMS "LOW CREDIT". If the credit is lower than the given value, the warning SMS is sent after every credit check until you recharge your SIM card.
Setting options: 0–999
Step: 1
Default setting: 0
Credit value position in received SMS (Function No. 713)
If there are more numbers than the credit value in the text answer (e.g. date, time and so on), 2N® EasyGate seeks the number corresponding to the credit value from the given position in the text. The seek algorithm skips every non-number character. If the credit value is the first number in the text, you can leave setting 0. If there are other numbers before the credit value, set the parameter to the text position, from which the algorithm shall seek.
Setting options: 0–180
Step: 1
Default setting: 0
Telephone number for service SMS
Telephone number for service SMS. The number is common for GGMC SMS, for "LOW CREDIT" SMS on prepaid SIM cards and for battery status SMS. To be set in the Service section, not here.
Hardware version
2N® EasyGate hardware version – for information only (cannot be modified). Must be used for communication with the manufacturer.
Firmware version
2N® EasyGate firmware version – 2N® EasyGate central processor program version. The manufacturer can issue upgrades to extend functions. To load new firmware into 2N® EasyGate, use the Upgrade function. Keep communicating with the manufacturer.
Serial number
2N® EasyGate serial number – for information only (cannot be changed). Must be used for communication with the manufacturer.
Blocked for operator
Refer to GSM & SIM Parameters.
COM enable (Function No. 960)
With this parameter you can enable/disable the serial interface function. You can disable communication in the operating mode, maintaining the special programming mode after power up.
Setting options: YES/NO
Default setting: YES
Time limit for data connections (Function No. 961)
After the time elapses, the data/fax connection is terminated immediately without warning. The "0" setting means that the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0–255 min
Step: 1 min
Default setting: 0
Telephone number for service SMS Function No.: 714
Telephone number for service SMS. The number is common for GGMC SMS, for "LOW CREDIT" SMS on prepaid SIM cards, for battery status SMS, power failure and for lift service SMS.
Setting options: 0-16 characters (0-9,*,#,+)
Default setting: empty
Time period for GGMC SMS [h] (Function No. 970)
Time interval for GGMC SMS sending. GGMC = GSM Gateway Monitoring Centre. The "0" setting means that the function is disabled.
Setting options: 0–255 h
Step: 1 h
Default setting: 0
Battery status SMS (Function No. 962)
Set this parameter to allow the SMS with information on the battery status to be sent. Battery disconnection (Battery Error) and connection (Battery Ready) as well as critically low voltage (Battery flat) is reported by the SMS.
Setting options: enable (1)
disable (0)
Default setting: disable
Power failure SMS (Function No. 963)
The mains status can be reported when this parameter is set. The report about mains failure and recovery is sent with a defined delay (Power off/on).
Setting options: disable (0)
enable with delay 1–255 min
Default setting: disable
Battery status reporting using P100 (Function No. 964)
This parameter allows the battery status to be reported using the P100 protocol with the connected communicator 2N® Lift1. For special versions of 2N® EasyGate only.
Setting options: disable (0)
enable (1)
Default setting: disable
All programmable parameters are arranged in tables according to their functions. You can initialize either all parameters at once or one table of parameters.
FXS line initialization FXS Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters necessary for the telephone line FXS.
FXS routing table initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to FXS routing table.
Mobile routing table initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to the routing table from mobile network.
Initialization of GSM & SIM Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to the GSM (UMTS) network and SIM card (except the PIN code).
Free minutes bank initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all Free minutes bank parametersTable of Parameters 3.2 49 For special version of EasyGate only
Network and SIM initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to the mobile network and SIM card (except the PIN code).
SMS input initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters for SMS sending upon SMS input activation.
Lift application initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to Lift application. EasyGate lift version only.
SIP initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to SIP calls. Not supported
VoLTE initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to VoLTE calls. EasyGate with VoLTE support only
IP stack initialization Function No.: -
Initialization of all parameters related to internal IP stack. For special version of EasyGate only
Global initialization (Function No. 999)
Initialization of all 2N® EasyGate parameters including the PIN and service password.
Only Global initialization can be done by phone line programming. As a parameter of this function, the service password followed by
must be used. This operation is not followed by the confirmation tone. A successful setting is followed by a pause (approx.10 s), during which reset of the configuration memory is performed. Then the gateway is restarted.Security Parameters
PIN – value (Function No. 700)(SIM2-750)
Fill in the PIN value for automatic PIN entering upon the 2N® EasyGate power up. It is applied only if the SIM card is PIN secured. If the given PIN fails to match the SIM, it is deleted automatically. If entered via a telephone line upon the 2N® EasyGate start, the PIN is stored automatically.
Setting options: 0, 4–8 characters (0–9)
Upon full initialization: blank
Service password (Function No. 900)
Fill in the service password for programming via a telephone line. Some parameters can be programmed by DTMF dialing and so the access to programming must be password-protected.
Setting options: 4–8 characters (0–9)
Upon full initialization: 12345
Lift application (optional)
Battery error signalization Function No.: 964
Set battery error signalization protocol. Using Lift1 setting is only for connection with 2N Lift1 communicator. Gateway reports error to Lift1 and then Lift1 makes call to monitoring center.
Setting options: Off
Using Lift1
P100 not active
P100 2N extended not active
Default setting: Off
FXS line voltage break Function No.: 965
You can set signalization of network registration and powering state by voltage break on FXS line interface. FXS Line voltage is disconnected all time when selected problem lasts.
Setting options: Off -Function is off, FXS line voltage is allways on
Network error -FXS line voltage break when not registered to network
Power error -FXS Line voltage break when main power is disconnected and battery is flat, or battery failure
Network or battery error -both states are signalized by FXS line voltage break.
Default setting: Off
Relay signalization Function No.: 969
You can set signalization of network registration and powering state by NO relay contact. Contact is closed all time when selected problem lasts.
Setting options: Off -Contact is open all the time
Network error - Contact is closed when not registered to network
Power error - Contact is closed when main power is disconnected or battery is low, or battery failure
Network or battery error - both states are signalized by closed contact.
Default setting: Off
Id text Function No.: 968
Fill in Identification text for Checking SMS. It will be place on SMS beginning. If text is blank, P100 Id number is used, if the P100 Id is empty, Serial Number is used. When the parameter is programmed by SMS, the text must be in brackets () and no brackets used inside of the text.
Setting options: 0-40 characters
Default setting: blank
ID number Function No.: 971
Fill in Identification code for P100 protocol.
Setting options: 0-16 characters (0-9)
Default setting: blank
P100 phone number Function No.: 972
Not implemented in EasyGate!
Fill in phone number of your monitoring center. This number will be dialed in case of P100 call.
Setting options: 0-16 characters (0-9)
Default setting: blank
P100 retrying Function No.: 975
Not implemented in EasyGate!
Specify number of retrying in case of unsuccessful attempt of P100 connection.
Setting options: 0-10 (0 = no retry)
Default setting: 0
Multiple Lift1 on FXS line Function No.: 966
You can connect up to 3 Lift1 on one phone line. This feature is licensed, please contact technical support.
Setting options: Disabled/Enabled
Default setting: Disabled
Checking SMS [Days] Function No.: 967
You can specify, how often gateway sends Checking SMS. 0 means no checking SMS. If this feature is switched on, you will get SMS after gateway start, in case of SIM switch on dual SIM gateway and then after specified number of days.
Setting options: 0-10 (0 = no checking SMS)
Default setting: 0
Telephone number for service SMS
Telephone number for service SMS. The number is common for GGMC SMS, for "LOW CREDIT" SMS on prepaid SIM cards and for battery status SMS. To be set in part Service, not here.
SIP parameters (optional)
These functions are not implemented.
Voice over LTE - VoLTE (optional)
APN pro IMS Function No.: 721(SIM2-771)
APN (Access Point Name) of operator's IMS. Leave it blank in most cases, it will be filled from selected profile file.
Setting options: 0-40 characters
Default setting: blank
APN pro SOS Function No.: 722(SIM2-772)
APN (Access Point Name) for SOS functions. Leave it blank in most cases, it will be filled from selected profile file.
Setting options: 0-40 characters
Default setting: blank
IP stack (optional)
Authentication type Function No.: 802(SIM2-812)
Specify authentication type for PPP stack. It relates to APN filled in Network & SIM table.
Setting options: None
Default setting: None
Username Function No.: 803(SIM2-813)
Fill in username for PPP stack if PAP / PAP or CHAP authentication is selected.
Setting options: 0-40 characters
Default setting: blank
Password Function No.: 804(SIM2-814)
Fill in password for PPP stack if PAP / CHAP / PAP or CHAP authentication is selected.
Setting options: 0-40 characters
Default setting: blank
IP address/Domain name Function No.: 800
Fill in IP address of TCP server to be connected to. Use standard format with dots. You can fill in domain name instead of IP address. Common for SIM1 and SIM2.
Setting options: 0-40 characters
Default setting: blank
Port Function No.: 801
Fill in port of TCP server to be connected to. Common for SIM1 and SIM2.
Setting options: blank / 0-65535
Default setting: blank