How to provide all information to effectively resolve a technical issue on 2N® Lift8


This FAQ serves mainly such a quick guide for quick report of technical issue on 2N® Lift8.

In such a case is necessary provide all information on or to your local distributor.

  • Always proceed an upgrade for actual available firmware version for your hardware, available on 
  • Exact description of connected units, including all serial numbers on installation site (you can use printscreen or save xml configuration and print actual untis from Surveillance menu)

  • Used communication module
  • Exact LEDs description from the central unit of 2N® Lift8
  • In case of audio unit issue, description of LEDs on it
  • Save actual configuration, logs and bus logs from the central unit: Configuration backup - how to backup configuration and how to capture a trace on 2N® Lift8
  • In case of VoIP issue, make an wireshark trace (.pcap)
  • Language of voice menu
  • In case of user voice messages, send problematic file with description
  • In case of camera module issue:
    • exact problem description
    • camera type, model, firmware
    • SD card type, are data storing? 
    • Camera module mode
      • Stand alone
      • in Lift8 usage