2N® Mobile video credit vouchers

This FAQ describes how to purchase credit vouchers and how to apply the vouchers on the site to add the credits to the credit pool. This new feature allows the distributors to purchase credit vouchers that can be used on any site to add the credits to the site's credit pool. Customers can order any amount of credits from the distributors. The FAQ is divided into 2 sections. The first section covers the process how to purchase credit vouchers. Credit vouchers can be purchased by the distributors only. The second section describes how to use the credit voucher. and add the credits to their sites.

The credit voucher is valid for 3 years starting from the date of purchase.

This process can be used by distributors only. Normal customer's accounts do not allow you to perform such actions. If you are not a distributor and you would like to order the credit voucher, please contact your local distributor.

The credit vouchers can be created in the section Subscriptions, Licenses -> 2N® Mobile video vouchers

You can define the parameters of the credit voucher in the second step. You need to specify the following:

  • Voucher name - the name of the batch/credit voucher.
  • Number of years - how many years this subscription will be for
  • Number of subscriptions - how many paid devices will be used

You can also add another voucher with different values. After you enter all details, you can also see the total value of the subscription. In this example, the subscription for 5 devices for 2 years is created.

As you can see in the following picture, the Apartment model is chosen. The voucher value is shown per apartment:

If you choose the other subscription type, subscription per device, voucher value is shown per device:

You can purchase the credits by using a credit card or by using an invoice.

Once purchased, your credits vouchers will be visible in the section Site payments. The process may take a few seconds.

Once the credit voucher generation process is finished, you will see the details and invoice in the section Company dashboard.

Overview of the payments can be seen in section Payments.

If you click on details, you will be able to see all the details of the specific subscription order.

  • Active - codes that can be used from the specific batch. You will see here only codes that are not used yet.
  • Used - codes that have been used already.
  • Cancelled - codes that have been cancelled and cannot be used anymore. Cancellation of the codes can be done only by 2N.
  • All codes - shows all codes from the specific batch.

You can also see more information on the specific code by clicking on the "All information" button. Codes can be also copied by clicking on the button "Copy all codes".

Please note that the validity of the batch is always 3 years. Once expired, credit vouchers from the specific batch cannot be used anymore.

The distributor needs to send the codes to the customers.

You can order the credit vouchers by contacting your local distributor. Once you receive the credit voucher (code) from your distributor, you can apply the code in the section Licenses & Subscriptions -> 2N® Mobile video vouchers

Use your code here and verify it. You will see info on how many credits will be added to the credit pool after the voucher activation.

You need to confirm the activation of the code in the next step.

Now the code has been used and credits have been added to your site's credit pool.

Please note that the validity of the credit voucher is always 3 years. Once expired, credit vouchers cannot be used anymore.