Change to the new apartment license model

Please note that the old license model (ordered through Customer Care) is no longer supported therefore it is necessary to change it now before your site expires.

How the old license model looks like?

If your business model is Custom, you are using the old license model, which is no longer supported and cannot be prolonged.

How to migrate to the new license model

Migration to the new license model is a multi-step process and requires the cooperation of 2N Tech Support and the customer (company/site admin).

The customer is required to create apartments and each device/user needs to be assigned to a corresponding apartment with a limit of 4 paid devices (phones, tablets, and 3rd party devices) per apartment.

Creating apartments and assigning devices

  1. create an apartment
  2. assign devices to a corresponding apartment
  3. check if all devices are assigned to a corresponding apartment
  4. repeat the process until all devices (excluding the intercoms) are assigned to the correct apartments

Once the model is changed by the technical support all users will be logged out from their application, it is necessary to log back in.

Contacting the 2N Tech Support

If you have all devices assigned to a corresponding apartment, now contact 2N Tech Support and ask them to change the license model.

You can contact 2N Tech Support using the My2N form or send a reply to an already-created ticket.

Changing the type

Once you receive an e-mail from 2N Tech Support that the model has been changed, you need to set the type, as you were previously using the old apartment model it is wise to choose a new apartment model.


Paying for the new model

Once you have migrated to the new model, you can pay via credit card directly from the My2N portal and take advantage of automatic recurring payments or order an apartment license from your distributor in the form of a voucher code that you will have to activate manually, ordering numbers:

  • 9137958 — My2N Annual Apartment Subscription (Where to buy?)
  • 02683-001 — My2N Annual Apartment Subscription (Where to buy?)  - US & APAC ONLY 

How many licenses you should order?

If you are not sure how many licenses you need to buy; just check the site dashboard.

Even though 5 apartments are displayed, only 4 require a license because the fifth apartment is either empty or using a device in local mode.

Per the picture below you need to order:

4x 9137958 


4x 02683-001 - US & APAC ONLY