How to seamlessly switch from 2N® Mobile Video to the My2N app

We want to provide users with a secure, fast, and user-friendly service. To give them this (and more), we had to change the app.

Will users have to install a new app if they already use 2N® Mobile Video?

No. The 2N® Mobile Video app that they have on their phone will change/have changed to the My2N app as part of a regular update. They will see a new icon and a new app name.

How will the change affect how the app works?

After the update, the service will work as before including all settings. However, some users will be asked to create a My2N account in the app.

Why do some users need to create a My2N account?

The login method for the 2N® Mobile Video app doesn’t meet current standards. With the new app, we’re gradually switching to the usual way of logging into mobile apps: using an email and a user-generated password. This also makes it much easier for end users to remember their login details.

Which users need to create a My2N account?

In the first phase, we’ll ask the most common end-users to create one: those who have just one phone/tablet paired to their account (1 user = 1 device).

How does a user create a My2N account?

Selected users will see a notification in the app asking them to create a My2N account.

  1. They click on the notification in the app asking to create a My2N account
  2. They select the option to create a My2N account
  3. Enter their email, first name and surname
  4. They will then be asked to confirm the account via their email. Important: they need to open and confirm the email on the same device (phone/tablet) as they will use with the My2N app. (If they don’t, they‘ll need to log in to Logging in there will confirm the account creation)
  5. Create their password

What if the app tells them they already have a My2N account?

This could happen if, for example, they’ve forgotten they already have an account, or perhaps you (or the property manager) may have created one for them in the past. What should they do?

  1. They click on a notification in the app asking them to create a My2N account
  2. They select the option to log in to an existing My2N account
  3. They then should use the "forgot password" option

What if a user has more than one device paired to their account?

For now, these users won’t be prompted by the new app to create a My2N account. However, the transition to the new way of logging into the app will eventually affect almost every user. We'll keep you updated on further progress in due course.

How are user creation and system administration changing?

User creation varies depending on how many devices you add to a user. We have divided them into two groups:

a)       1 user = 1 device
As we mentioned before, some users (1 user = 1 device) will switch to the new system by logging in with their email and password (creating a My2N account). If you create new users with only one device, they will only be able to log in to My2N using the new method.

b)      1 user = 2 or more devices
If you add additional devices to an existing user or create a completely new installation where you plan to assign multiple devices to a single user, the procedure remains the same as before.
These users will log in to the My2N application the same way they logged into 2N® Mobile Video (i.e. using the device ID and a generated password)
In the future, we plan to switch to a My2N account or a My2N-like alternative for these scenarios as well. Therefore, we recommend creating unique users with unique emails (1 user = 1 device) in all projects where possible.

What happens if selected users don’t create a My2N account?

At first, nothing will happen, the app will still work the same for a few months, but there will be a reminder request to create an account. At some point, however, users will not be able to avoid it and won’t be able to use the app until they have created an account. We apologize for this inconvenience, but without this step, we are unable to ensure that the service meets current security standards. Therefore, we recommend that users create an account as soon as the application prompts them. It will take a maximum of 2 minutes. The procedure on how to create a My2N account and which users are affected by the change can be found in the document above.

Is there any change to the ordering service?

No, the service ordering process and ordering numbers remain the same.