2N® SmartCom PRO / Factory reset - How to make a factory reset

Factory reset - jumpers:

  • disconnect 2N® SmartCom PRO from the power supply
  • loosen the screws and remove the upper part of the case

  • connect the jumper as shown in the figure above (Interconnect pins 3 and 5)
  • now reconnect the power supply. Upon power up, the Flash memory is deleted and the factory default values are reset for all ports
  • remember to remove the jumper to avoid deletion of the settings upon every start!

Factory reset - AT command:


  • following command make the software factory reset. The command only sets the default parameters without deleting the Flash and EEPROM data memories.


Factory reset - SMS:


SC FRES PWD=<password>
  • send SMS to initiate the terminal factory reset.
  • you will get a response SMS - "Factory Reset Initialized" and the command will be executed